Chapter Nine

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Clenching my teeth together the feeling of nausea swept over me. My skin burned and sizzled where the brand had been placed on my body, it seemed like my right shoulder was the perfect choice. Laying on the floor trying to breathe evenly my eyes never left the bloody mess of the boy in front of me. Then the memory of who the boy was slapped me in the face, it was me. Gripping my injured shoulder lightly I tried to roll onto my side. My t-shirt had actually melted into the skin and it would hurt like a bitch to pull the shirt off. Swallowing against the lump in my throat I tried to piece everything together. This could be the past, present, or future for all I knew. This is why most of our kind didn't leave our land because for that to happen you had to open yourself up to the astral world. I could honestly kick myself right now as my breathe came out in pants.

"Jesus what happened to us, this is not like us at all, we're not weak." Of course my question fell on deaf ears.

There was something important that my mind was trying to tell me. There was something that someone wanted me to see. My breathe caught in my throat as the guy smiled running his finger over my brand before digging his nails into the wound.

"Absolutely beautiful, Soon enough you will be one of us and everything will be okay." Me in the vision spat blood onto the floor and laughed confusing boot boy.

"I will never be one of you boot boy but, just for shit and giggles when I get out of this and mark my words I will you will be the first to die. I will destroy you from the inside out you will boil." My eyes widened at the bold words.

"You forget love that I know your secret. The one we seek is not you and once the others figure it out they will gut you like the pig you are and bathe in your blood. " The strangers harsh words had vision me letting out another laugh.

"Skylar, what the fuck did you do! Your orders were not to harm him. he is very valuable to us but the more you mess with him the harder it will for him to accept the transformation." The voice was cold and hard as steel but oh so familiar.

My mind decided right then and there to put the pieces together. The voice sounded familiar was one if not the head Grimm of the house. The voice that spoke to us the first day we woke up here. This memory was of the night the big storm hit. If I'm down here then where is Jake concentrating hard I tried to recall what happened to him. The memory was close to the service I could almost taste it on the tip of my tongue. I tried to slow the memory down I never saw the same Grimm in one memory. They usually traveled in packs but this was unheard of. Stories are always told to the young of each colony warning them of the Grimms and the danger they are. The lesson was always the same; Kill or be Killed. My people and I could never understand how that worked since most colonies consisted of at least eight children. Our ancestors taught us to protect what was ours no matter what and that family was everything. While, someone in the colony died they just made another child. Usually the children were all gifted but each generation there was one that was more powerful than any of the others. Shadowland was my home and our soldiers would go to the edge of the universe to protect our people. I couldn't understand their way of life. The rules they lived by made them predictable and would be their downfall. Our knowledge of the colonies are very limited and when we do encounter them it is disasters. They assume we are from another colony and are trespassing creating chaos and war. Blood has been shed over little misunderstandings but they refuse to listen which in turn we know let them assume whatever they want. War was not something I sought out but if one paid close enough to their history they would see we caused about half of their was. We could be spotted on a colonies territory they'd assume where we came from and attack. Pushing my thoughts aside I tried to focus once again.

"Father! He was antagonizing me the little shit acts like he is invincible someone had to knock how down a beg or two." Skylar tried to defend himself but the look on his father's face said that he was unimpressed and uninterested.

"We cannot afford to lose this one like the other one that just magically disappeared." His voice was hard and cold but the hurt look on Skylar's face had him sighing.

They had to be talking about Jake, my mind began to swim as the scene before me begin to fade. The voices grew smaller and the memory grew dark. A whirl of pictures popped in front of my before slowing down at the night of my second capture came into view sucking me inside the memory. Jake was chained to the wall across the room without turning around I already knew who was chained to the other side.

"Fuck where am I and what is this place?"Jake's voice was a tad low and less confident that it usually was.

The sound of rattling chains filled the room breaking the silence as Jake's voice called out once again demanding to know who was in the room. Instead of watching the scene my feet carried me across the room looking for a way out of this junk yard. Before I could get very far my own voice called out to stop them from taking Jake. The feeling of panic and worry washed over me as the memory continued to play.

"Holy shit he's like us! You do realize working with them is a death sentence." Jake's voice although it was hard as steel seemed to hold a hint of promise.

I didn't recognize any of the Grimms in this memory and my mind began to swim. Our colonies hated traitors almost if not more than Grimms. Once a person becomes a traitor a mark somewhat like a brand appears on their skin and their eyes change to a darker black color around the iris to warn others of their deceit. Going against your own colony was like spitting on your ancestry. Where you have people that believe in the system one hundred percent you have people that have resisted, they are called the resistance. Funny how I a son of Darkness know more than most about these colonies. We are not part of their system or laws although, our views are similar. My home world is called Shadowland but most believe it is just a fairytale and we like to keep it that way. People fear what they cannot understand which usually ends in destruction and bloodshed. Fear is a powerful thing and if one is not careful it will consume them.

"Luke you have to wake up now, Scott is planning to massacre everyone if you don't wake up soon. He is starting to ruffle some feathers and people are beginning to become less sympathetic. No one believes you two are actually related because of how calm and collected you are. I hate to tell you this but your brothers a douche." The voice that spoke sounded far away and underwater.

The images before me came to a whirling stop as the voices continued to talk.

"The others don't think that I can fix you but I'll show them. Just because I'm smaller than the others doesn't mean anything. My powers are far greater than most and you're going to help me prove that." The voice was not vengeful or bitter, it sounded defeated like this was their last hope. It sounded like they were almost trying to convince themselves more than anyone else.

A uncomfortable feeling began in the pit of my stomach as my knees gave away. Sweat began to form on my forehead slowly dripping to the floor. I gritted my teeth as a prickling sensation ran up my arm ever so slowly towards my throat. Breathing became difficult as the constricting had me gasping for air a sharp pain causing me to fall onto my back.

"Avery stop it! Scott let my brother go, he didn't mean to hurt Luke. He didn't kill him your brother is still breathing!" The voice still sounded like it was run through a garbage disposal but it was more demanding.

A rush of air filled my lungs as I called out to the shadows with a wince. Slowly but surely they came to me slithering all over my chest and legs. Angry voices filled the air but I couldn't make out what they were saying. The burning sensation began to fade away as the voices continued to argue back and forth.

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