Chapter One

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Chapter One: Cade

Grimacing against the pain that always welcomed me in the morning, remembering last night’s events caused a scowl to appear on my face. The stench of death still hung in the air as my eyes struggled to focus in the fairly dark room. A pounding in my head had me almost sighing as the events from last night began to play back; the screams, stench of blood, and prayers always stayed with me. Holding my breath, a noise caused me to jerk in surprise; the sound of chains rattling startled me. Moving my arm forward, I tried to switch on the light to my bedroom, only to have my arm jerked backward.

                “What the hell!” A very deep and confused voice called out into the darkness. Moving my head around, I stared into the darkness straining to hear anything else. My heart began to beat faster as I began to think the worst and panic feelings of finding Avery over loaded my system.

                "Who’s....Who’s there....Cade? Cade, is that you, oh God, please let that be you.” A smaller more fragile voice called out. I snapped forward when I realized it was Avery, struggling with all my might against the chains the sounds began to echo through out  the room.

                “AVERY!” I screamed at the top of my lungs as my brother squeaked out in complete terror. Struggling against the chains once more was proving to be a losing battle. The metal clamps began to bit into my flesh as I continued to jerk forward multiple times, the smell of blood filling the air. Avery was my twin brother and I would be damned if a soul touch him.

A blinding white light filled the room and I found myself blinking and staring at five other people including Avery. Never have I seen him so scared in his life; I started humming, never breaking eye contact with him. Everyone in the room stared at us, almost hypnotized by the sound of my voice. It was one of the greatest gifts; it helped me capture my marks. The only fact that kept me from completely losing my mind was the fact that my brother and I were some of the most powerful people alive.  Not only were twins rare with my people but the power we wielded was  almost unheard of.

                “What is this place and who the hell are you people?” My eyes traveled to a girl with white hair and two different colored eyes. She did not look happy to be here anymore than the rest us but seemed to put on a brave face. Opening my mouth to respond, I was cut off by the door to the room being opened as a group of men walked in; some in lab coats, others in suits. Narrowing my eyes, I started to memorize each and every face. When the time came and trust me it would come my face would be last they would ever see.

                “You are all probably wondering where you are and why you are here. Well you see my darlings that is very simple. You each have a gift, one that makes you stand out from the others, one that no one else possesses. This makes you powerful, rare, valuable, and the reason you are still alive. Yes, there are others of your species, but no one compares to the first born child of each line.” A commanding voice boomed out of one of the gentlemen in suits, almost monotone, with just enough confidence that it chilled me to my core.

                "I am not a first born! My parents gave birth to two other children before me! I live in Manhattan this is ridiculous."  The girl with white hair spewed out in rage, which was evident in her stare. My eyes began to trace over each person in the room; fear was a main emotion on each face, besides the white haired girl and a intriguing boy in the back of the room, who seemed uncaring, almost uninterested, as he clung to the shadows. He seemed to be communicated to him somehow as his eyes began to take on a hint of a glow.

                “True there are others in your "family" but, they only have certain traits I desire. Every one hundred years, each bloodline gives birth to a child that is gifted with all the power of that species and that, my friends, is the secret I’m planning to crack wide open. Don’t try to argue your way out of this and claim you are not what we are seeking because we have been watching since the day you popped up on our radar. Not following the rules or cutting corners will only end in pain and blood being shed, right, Cade?” My eyes snapped to the man who had spoken, grinding my jaw and looking straight ahead, ignoring the curious looks by the others. I made eye contact with Avery.

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