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Grasping his small daggers, Ithil took up his position between Aragorn and Legolas, who both notched arrows into their bows.

His arms began to glow with blue light as he embwyed his daggers with a small part of his soul. They where crafted specially with small channels for the light to run through.

Soon, orcs began to swarm the room. To many for Legolas and Aragorn to shoot down and the ranger swapped his bow in favour of a sword.

"be careful" The blonde said before he swung into battle, Ithil was immediately thrown into combat with 2 large orcs.

He sliced the leftmost one clean arcoss the neck, leaving the wound singed and smoking, the orc slumped over almost instantaneously. The other opon seeing the opening created by the elf lunging for its companion. It brought its large curved sword up under his arm in an attempt to cleve it straight off. The blade cut through the blue cloak Ithil had been wearing sending the now useless fabric cascading to the floor but its attempts to remove his arm were foiled by the cool steel armour that had been concealed under it.

The armour was made of some sort of metal and of elvish make, it consisted of shoulder and elbow coverings as well as a torso piece all connected with chainmail to cover more vulnerable spots like the neck and the underarms.

With its blade now lodged under Ithil's arm the orc was forced to rear back and abandon its weapon, with frighning speed the elf severed its neck sending its body tumbling back into another orc quickly cut down by Legolas.

The two elves, now in close proximity of each other, began to work as a sort of team. With Legolas cutting down orcs on the left and Ithil doing the same on the right. Together they where able to watch each others backs.

Until there attention was caught by the large cave troll that seemed to be causing a problem for the other members of the fellowship.

"ive got it here, you go help them" Ithil said to the other, who immediately began to fire arrows at the huge troll. Soon legolas darted off to get a better shot at it and Ithil began to fight alone.

He had killed many orcs by this point but the flow of them streaming in seemed endless, out of the corner of his eye he saw a commotion with the troll Aragorn was attemting to fight. Alarmed, Ithil raised his hands and threw his two daggers which logded thereselves into its skin. They smoked and singed its tough hide, but did not manage to kill it.

Nevertheless, taking the opening created Aragorn re-engaged in combate with the beast.

However, now weaponless the elf resorted to dodging many dangerously close blows (he also managed to impale a couple orcs on their own blades.)

Strangely, Amongst the battle his eyes where drawn to a weapon on the floor, a crude looking spear. Obviously not elvish but far to nice to be of orcish orgin, it may have been a prototype for a dwarven weapon. But nevertheless he picked it up.

Its weight felt evenly balanced and it wasnt too tall or short. deciding to test out this new weapon he swung it experimently beheading a nearby orc.

A smile played along his lips as he twisted his body with the spear, dancing in and amongst the sea of orcs, the spear was long enough so that he could kill mutiple enemys at once and what had seemed like hundreds of orcs very quickly became none at all.

His small victory however was short lived as he saw the troll finally go down, thanks to a certain other elf, and his attention was drawn to the body of Frodo.

The hobbit had been impaled by the trolls weapon.

To be continued

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