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I'm back doing updates every Friday

And so the fellowship ran again, for what seemed to be the 100th time that day.

Ithil was glad of his elvish stamina which was only increased by countless years on the road.

If there was one thing he was good at it was endurance

The heat of the ancient beast behind them was unbearable, but it seemed that none other than himself where being affected. He assumed it must be something to do with his magic. Ithil was unable to simply produce magic, his body, however, collected the energy from his surroundings that he could repurpose and use as his own.

He could feel the blue veins on his skin, the channels where his borrowed magic ran, heat up, and leave the surrounding skin blistering. His body was trying to draw and collect the Balrogs' ancient fire magic, and it wasn't reacting well to its new host.

In fact, using his magic to enhance his attacks earlier had almost drained him completely. He was glad he had stopped in Rivendell before this quest as magic was strong and easy to draw there.

This was the reason the magic he performed on the pass of Caradhras was unable to stop Saurumann, as magic drawn from trees and rivers would never be as powerful as magic created by the will of a wizard.

He winced as he felt the phantom burns spread across his skin, he could ignore it only because of the adrenaline coursing through him.

The path fell away in front of them and Boromir lunged forward of the edge, with amazingly fast reflexes typical of their kind both elves gripped a fistful of his tunic pulling him back to safety.

They shared a knowing glance before taking up positions at the front of the Fellowship, their enhanced eyesight and reaction speed aiding them to prevent any unfortunate and deadly mistakes.

And so they took off running down a different staircase, that Legolas (who somehow seemed to know exactly where they were going) pointed out.

Soon their path lead to a precarious bridge, about halfway down the stone had crumbled away leaving a large gap.

However, much to the hobbit's horror (for they were the members of the party who knew the least about elves) Ithil showed no signs of slowing down even as he approached the gap in the bridge.

He swiftly jumped over it, landing gracefully on the other side without making a sound. Legolas was next, jumping over with similar grace and grasping the outstretched hand of his fellow elf. Ithil mocked a bow as he pulled the blonde to stand behind him waiting for the less graceful members of the fellowship to join them.

"Mithrandir!" he said, voice muffled by the thick gloom. Gandalf looked at the outstretched hand of his friend and leaped to the other side where he was caught immediately by strong and deceptively thin arms.

Just as the grey wizard was safely across, an arrow made its home in the stone in front of them with a swift whistle. It is followed by dozens more.

It crossed Ithil's mind for a moment that he should have brought a bow. However, Legolas quickly drew his (along with Aragon on the other side of the bridge) and provided some covering fire.

Boromir picked up Merry and Pippen with a call of their names before half jumping and half falling into Ithils arms (this combined weight almost tipped him over but he gritted his teeth and stayed standing)

Meanwhile, Legolas picked off goblin after goblin. Yet where he killed one there always seemed to be two more to replace it.

To be continued

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