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Callon is a bit like Schrödinger's cat (Schrödinger's pine martin?)  she only exists when I remember to write her into the story

"We are no spies. We track a party of
Uruk-Hai westward across the plain. They
have taken two of our friends captive." Aragorn spoke gently trying to ease the apprehension among Eomer's ranks

The man in question nodded stiffly, eyeing at Ithil who smiled in return, this seemed to please him because he then turned back to Aragorn and spoke once more,

"The Uruks are destroyed. We slaughtered
them during the night."

Ithil felt a sinking feeling very quickly make its home in the pit of his stomach, letting out a shaky breath, that must of been audible to those around him for Legolas gripped his hand in comfort

Whose comfort was unkown as the blonde elf looked just as despairing as his dark haired counterpart, Ithil turned into him slightly burying his head into other tunic as if it would block out the great sadness that washed over him

Callon nibbled at his ear nervously, Obviously sensing her masters grief. She resovled to curl up in his hood like a rather fury scarf and didnt make a peep for the rest of the conversation

"But there were two Hobbits. Did you
see two Hobbits with them?" Gimli questioned desperately, not content to just give up into despair like his elvish companions

"They would be small. Only children to
your eyes." Argagorn continued, conflicting emotions flitting across his face as he wached his brother shudder with sorrow against Legolas, who held him tight but looked equally distressed

"We left none alive. We piled the
carcasses and burned them."  came the quite reply from the horse lord, who bowed his head in what was either condolences or guilt. Perhaps both.

And Ithil sobbed, suddenly over come with an urge to remove his necklace in order to not hear any more bad news

another two of his companions that he was unable to save, what use was the gift of foresight if he was unable to see the important things? If he was unable to protect his friends.

"dead?" came the disbelieving mutters of the dwarf, the only one not stunned into silence by the resounding shock and mourning that came over their party at once

"i am sorry"

With a last sniffle, ithil peeled himself of the blonde elf to face the horse lord (giving Legolas a shaky smile of thanks that he returned mournfully)

"it is not your fault" he spoke, voice soothing and gentle, "do not give in to guilt, Eomer of Rohan"

The horse lord nodded, and then motioned to a few of his men who lead two stallions forward, "May these horses bear you to better
fortune than their former masters."

The dark haired elf smiled, bowing his head in thanks as the Rider remounted his own horse

"Look for your friends. But do not trust
to hope. It has forsaken these lands." he spoke before shouting commands to his men and disappearing to the north just as quickly as they had appeared

Now left in the clearing alone, and full of new despair, the fellowship stood silent for a few beats before Aragon moved to mount the brown stallion

"Ithil, ride with me" he called to his brother, who reluctantly released Legolas's hand to sit behind his brother on the horse

As Gimli and legolas situated themselves on the other stallion, Aragorn turned slightly in the saddle to place a gentle kiss on the dark haired elfs forehead

"do not despair, it was not your fault either" he whispers against Ithils temple

"was it not? My gift has but one purpose and yet i cannot even save my friends?"

"you are not to blame, it is this great evil that is responsible alone"

To be continued...

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