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im dying inside, anyway new chapter

after Ithil turned away from galadriel ending their communication she returned to speaking to the group.

"The quest stands upon the edge of a knife. Stray but a little and it will fail, to the ruin of all..." she whispered in a grave tone. but Ithil refused to make eye contact with her, despite her persistant stare. eventually her gaze moved on and he let out a breath he didnt know he was holding.

Legolas comfotingly squeezed his hand and gave the dark haired elf a weak smile. but Ithil couldnt find it in him to smile back

"Yet hope remains while the company is true." she continued, her eyes settled on sam.

"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Go now and rest, for you are weary with sorrow and much toil."

she then turned to frodo,
"Tonight you will sleep in peace." she spoke but Ithil was sure there was more she had said as the ringbearer flinched and dropped his gaze.

the air in lothlorien was cooler than the souronding forest, the fellowship had spread out among the makeeshift camp. Gimli was snoring away, the hobbits chattered quietly amongst themselves, Legolas and Callon had dissapeared to gather supplies and Aragorn was alternating between cleaning his sword and stroking the hair of the sleeping elf beside him.

for as soon as he had changed out of his armour, Ithil had set about using his brother as a pillow.

"Otorno," Aragorn murmured the Elvish word for brother quietly in an attempt to rouse him.

"mmh" came the small reply as Ithils eyes fluttered open, "what?"

but before Aragorn could awnser soft singing began to echo through the trees.

"a lament for Gandalf" Legolas, who had just walked back into camp, revealed to the Non-elvish speakers. Callon darted around his feet a few times before she settled on a pile of blankets.

Ithil felt a tears in his eye as he listened to words of the song, he saw Aragorn drop his head in sorrow and Legolas sigh sadly.

"What do they say about him?" Merry questioned

"I have not the heart to tell you." he said gravely, eyeing the others who could understand the sad music he continued,

"For many of us, the grief is still too near."

Ithil sighed, the song was sad indeed. And he considered removing his necklace all together so he could ignore his grief in peace.

In fact, having the necklace on for such a long period of time was hard, his ears had started ringing and he felt his magic being sapped by the enchantment. But it was necessary, he couldnt be caught vulnerable without it again.

"I bet they don’t mention his
fireworks. There should be a verse about them!" sam exclaimed suddenly as he jumped to his feet

He began to speel out a long line of poetry about them, so enthusiastically that Ithil could almost picture them in his mind.

"Oh, that doesn’t do them justice
by a long road." the hobbit said fustrated in himself and sat back down. However the dark haired elf wasnt so sure, he thought it was fantastic.

So fantasic indeed that he started to hum a low tune, matching the lament still being sung. Then he began to sing over it in common, but with the same tune and melody so his voice blended in nicely.

Sam and the hobbits looked up in awe at his angelic voice, and the gardener smiled at the use of his own words mixed with the elves.

"The finest rockets ever seen
They burst in stars of blue and green" he sang softly

"Or after thunder, silver showers come falling like a rain of flowers." his voice grew in strength yet his tone remained gentle

"golden sparks fill the sky, glittering like a dragons eye" he continued using his own words this time

"graunteed to bring smile, but even that doesn't do them justice by a mile" he finished off, leaving the fellowship in stunned silence.

"you have always had a lovely voice" Aragorn is the first to speak.

"beautiful" is all the blonde elf can mutter

To be continued

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