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*i just realised this chapter sucks so ive edited alot of it (mon,24,april)

Moria was unusualy dark and musty smelling. It certainly hadnt been what Ithil was expecting.

"So, master elf, you will enjoy the fabled hospitality of the dwarves; roaring fires, malt beer, red meat off the bone. This, my friend, is the home of my cousin, Balin. and they call this a Mine...A mine!" Gimli whittles on, Ithil was thinking taking his necklace off may be a good idea if he was to be in the hospitality of many dwarves like this.

However that would soon be the least of his worrys, as Gandalfs staff lit suddenly, revealing the bodys of many dwarves around their feet.

The sight was so tragic and gruesome, It Made Ithil feel sick to his stomach.

"This is no mine...it's a tomb!" Boromir shouted grimly

Ithil crouched gingerly beside a corpse and began examining a crudely made arrow sticking out of a dwarvish skull, he handed it to Legolas who had been stood beside him.

"Goblins!" he announced to the others.

Drawing his weapon alike the others, Ithil rose from his crouched position and Followed the fellowship away to the door.

He swallowed thickly before opening his eyes, this time instead of hazy and aloof they blazed with focus and determination.

"We make for the Gap of Rohan.    We should never have come here." Boromir announced though his spiele was cut short by the scream of a certain Frodo baggins.

Ithil turned and to hos horror saw Frodo was being dragged to the ground by a long Tentacle
Wrapped around his ankle, pulling him towards the lake.

Ithil rushed forward alongside Aragorn and Boromir slicing the at the many limbs with his daggers. Aragorn severed the Tentacle holding Frodo, and pulled him to safety. Boromir hacked relentlessly at the other Writhing Limbs, Ithil at his side severed the lower ones from his usual crouched position.

But before they could even take a breath 20 more tentacles ripped out of the Lake, Again the creature grabed Frodo and pulled him to the lake.

Frodos body was swung in the air like a doll, as they resumed battle against the creature. Aragorn hacked at a tentacle yet the hide was too tough and his sword was hurled backwards, but before the creature could grab him too. the tentacle was severed by Ithils blade.

He pulled Aragorn back behind him as he cut down the tentacle holding the hobbit and flung him back into aragorns awaiting arms.

"into the mines!" Gandalf shouted. Upon hearing this call Ithil attempted to back away from the creature, avoiding the tentacles that grab for his feet.

"legolas!" he shouts voice hoarse from over use. Said elf fires an arrow into the creatures head allowing Boromir and Aragorn to run back into the mines carring frodo.

However the blonds blood ran cold when he realised Ithil was being dragged backwards by a tentacle. The raven haired elf chopped at it to no avail. Legolas ran forward notching an arrow and firing it straight into the beast.

As it reared back in pain it was forced to drop its prey which the blonde scooped up and retreated back into the cave.

Ithil now in Legolas arms snuggled closer into the warm, Seemingly dazed.

With a shattering echo, the creature ripped the doors away, causing tons of rock seal the doorway and throwing the cave into Pitch Blackness.

Ithil tightened his clutch on Legolas instinctively. Strong hands circled reassuringly around him.

Then Gandalfs staff lit up again.

"We now have but one choice...we must face the long dark of Moria. Be on your guard...there are older and fouler things than the Orcs in the deep places of the world."

To be continued 

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