Sharing a best friend

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A/n: This is linked to one of the stories I'm writing atm and Cassia is the main character (it's not out yet but I will announce when it is). I do not own any of the characters besides Cassia so ya. Cassia is also dating Kaz so remember this for later.


What's worse than two boyfriends share a group of friends you may ask. That's when they share a best friend. It's mainly bad because she can't really chose sides since it would be awkward.

In this situation Cassia is Jesper's best friend and she basically raised Wylan since he has a coward of a father.


The problem began when Wylan started to notice Jesper disappearing in the middle of the night then reappearing the next morning as if he never left. This has definitely confused the boy but he never questioned it.

Until it started to happen throughout the day too. This is when he came to his favourite parental figure for help, Lady Cassia of Ketterdam aka the goddess of healing and magic.

"Cas?" He walked in her room. She looked up from her book and sent him a smile as she closed it.

"What is it that you need Wy?" She asked, placing the book down on her bed as she got up. She noticed how Wylan looked more anxious than usual and she mentally noted that down. "Are you wanting some help with a job?" She raised an eyebrow at the younger boy.

Wylan perched his lips, rethinking this idea. "I think Jesper might be cheating on me or something" he mumbled out, barely loud enough for Cassia to hear him. The goddess was taken a back and looked at him as if he was joking.

"Wylan Van Eck" Cassia using his full name was a sign she was probably going to give a lecture that he will be grateful for later, this has happened a few times already. At one point she gave him a lecture about mixing chemicals in his room and he didn't follow it which resulted in his room being neon green for months.

"What makes you think jesper could cheat on you? That man is so inlove with you even Kaz points it out during meetings to tell him to stop staring at you like some sort of idiot" she pressed her lips together. Wylan couldn't really argue with that, he was there for all of it and even he felt embarrassed for Jesper in those situations.

Wylan thought about it and decided to leave it for a bit longer. He spent the rest of the day getting pampered by Cassia and she even took him shopping for art supplies as well as a new flute.


It has been months since all this happened and everything was starting to get back to normal but Wylan's suspicious were all there. That would soon change tho.

Wylan was sat at Kaz's new house and everyone else was there. Cassia was sat next to Wylan and looked like she wanted to cut Jesper's head off. Wylan had no idea what was going on but his boyfriend looked really nervous and the way he was looking at Cassia was really concerning in Wylan's eyes.

Jesper then stood up, grabbing everyone's attentions. Cassia looked proud and he nudged Wylan a little, causing confusion.

"I would like to thank you everyone for being here. I asked Cassia to invite you all because you guys are such important people in mine and Wylan's life so I felt like you guys should be apart of this moment" Jesper smiled. Kaz looked over at his girlfriend and all she did was look excited, happy about the question Jesper was going to ask.

Jesper then got on one knee and  opened a ring box while looked Wylan in the eyes. "Wy, you are the most amazing, gorgeous, cute, sweet and beautiful man I have ever layed my eyes upon. I was wondering if you would do like to marry me?" Jesper asked hesitantly. Wylan had tears in his eyes and jumped into Jesper arms screaming yes while everyone cheered.

Jesper slipped the ring on his boyfriend's finger after they pulled apart.

"Cassia did you know?" Wylan asked, still teary eyed from this situation.

"Of course I knew. You really think my bestie wouldn't tell me he is going to propose to my other bestie?" She rolled her eyes, smiling. "Its why I covered for him so much. I also got the opportunity to hang out with you more while he did some extra jobs for more money" she leaned back.

Wylan laughed not only at that but because Kaz basically had the bedroom eyes. "Kaz stop undressing her with your eyes" Wylan groaned, only half annoyed.

"You and Jesper did some real undressing while still living in my building so shut up merchling" Kaz rolled his eyes, waking out the room.

This is what happens when you share a best friend with your boyfriend.

The end.


A/n: This is so much longer than I intended but I still like it

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