Fake dating

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Jesper walked into Wylan's room at the crow club. "Wy, I need your help" he said, sitting next to Wylan.

"Whats up Jesper?" Wylan asks, putting his jacket on. Jesper just stares at Wylan for a minute, not knowing how to ask his sunshine this.

"I kinda told my dad I am dating you" He stated, panicked. Wylan's eyes went wide and he was surely taken a back. Before he could even ask why Jesper answered for him, as if he was reading his mind. "I told him I am dating you because you are the sweetest, smartest and most gorgeous guy ever" he stated, making Wylan blush to himself.

"Why are you telling me this?" Wylan asks, crossing his hands. As much as Wylan wants to keep his cool he is really struggling.

Jesper bites his lip and sighs. "Hes coming to visit. He wants to meet you as my boyfriend" he says, his face landing in his hands. "I hate to ask but can we pretend to date for a few days? After that you can ask me whatever you please" Jesper asked, looking back up at his sunshine.

Wylan thought about it. As much as it would be weird acting like he's dating Jesper it would be nice, he does have a crush on him after all. "Fine  but you owe me Fahey" Wylan rolled his eyes, smiling secretly.

Jesper got up immediately and hugged Wylan, picking him up and spinning him in the process. "Thank you, thank you, thank you Wy!" He repeated. All Wylan could do was laugh and smile, enjoying the positive and sweet attention from his crush.

▪︎Time skip▪︎

The visit from Cohm Fahey was going great so far. He was really buying the whole dating situation and Jesper was happy to see his dad and Wylan getting along. Choosing Wylan was a bad idea though, he was falling for him even more now.

Wylan and Jesper were saying goodbye to Cohm, holding hands. As he started to walk away the two stopped holding hands, Jesper apologising. The two just went their separate ways and didn't speak for ages after.

The end.


Later that evening Jesper came into Wylan's room. "Wy, can we talk?" He asks. Wylan simply nods and pats the empty seat next to him. Jesper sits there and immediately pulls Wylan into a kiss, a real one with emotions.

This suprised Wylan but he wasn't complaining.

The two spent some time kissing and talking, eventually deciding to date.

The end.

A/n: I need friends, please 😭
If you like the Marauders/Pjo/SoC please message me and be my best friend.

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