Jesper's ex girlfriend

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A/n: This is another collab with TheDelilahLyrics!! This is also a reminder that Jesper is BI not gay.


Wylan and Jesper were sat on the couch, with Jesper reading Wylan a book, when they heard knocking and banging on the door.

Jesper put the book down and got up slowly, making Wylan fall since he was laying ontop of him.

"You expecting anyone sunshine?" Jesper asked, walking to the door as the banging got louder. Wylan shook his head and followed him to the door, looping his arm through Jesper's.

Once Jesper opens the door he is hit with an unsaintly sight.

He sees his ex girlfriend, Elizabeth.

She looks like a mess. She is sweaty, messed up hair. If you didn't know she ran across town you'd probably assume she just got fucked into oblivion.

"What are you doing here?" Jesper asked, Wylan just looking between the two confused.

"JESPER FEHAY YOU BITCH!" She yelled, smacking Jesper. Wylan jumped back and was about to step in when Jesper put his hand infront of him to stop him.

"You left me for this thing!" She yells as she throws her arms in the air. Jesper clenched his jaw but decided to stay calm so Wylan wouldn't panic.

"I haven't seen you for 3 years and I only met my beautiful, amazing, smart boyfriend last year so no I didn't. Can you please leave?" Jesper asked nicely but Elizabeth just walked in. "Okay so I guess we're taking this inside" Jesper sighed, closing the door. Wylan was just staring, confused and upset at the whole situation.

Elizabeth argued with Jesper for hours and Wylan just sat and watched, unable to move at what he was hearing from the kitchen. It was like hearing your parents fight but it was your partner and his ex.

At one point Jesper shouted, "I don't like you anymore! We were one night stands! Can you just leave?!"

The next he was yelling about how much he loves Wylan and would never leave him for someone as pathetic as her. In a different situation Wylan would be flattered but all it did was make things worse.

"HES JUST A PHASE YOU F*****!" Elizabeth yelled after 3 hours and Jesper was too stunned to respond.

Wylan on the other hand has heard enough and he was not about to let his boyfriend deal with this bitch any longer.

"Okay that's enough, you're leaving. Not nice meeting you. Fuck you, bye." Wylan told her as he shoved her out the door and slammed it shut.

Jesper stared at him stunned and he felt as if he was falling in love with Wylan all over again so he decided to show it.

Jesper pulled Wylan into a soft kiss. "Have I ever told you how much I love you?" Jesper asks and just kisses Wylan again.

Jesper ended up losing his voice for a week, much of a pleasure for Kaz.

The end.

Wesper one shots Where stories live. Discover now