Chapter 1 the mistake

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So you want to hear a story, eh? One with heart break? Betrayal? Love? ...No? Well too bad, I'm telling you anyway. This story starts the middle, actually. Here we see a Grey planet with pink lightning but that's not nearly as important as what's on it, or should I say, who's on it. On this planet is a crashed ship and two anthropomorphic dogs; one is a yellow and white corgi named Garbage the other is a white poodle named Happy. And currently, ...they're fighting! Oh boy, well the story's not going to tell it's self, so here we go.


Happy: *sigh* "Do you really want to help, Garbage?"

I instantly nodded my head

Happy: "Then leave. me. alone!"

I frowned and turned to the now dogified Jerry. I knew why Happy was angry: I was too.

Garbage: "Ok Jerry, let's find a way to fix this!"

We left Happy and started climbing up a cliff, but while climbing I thought about everything that's happened recently: Kira and I's plan to find a planet "For Dogs, by Dogs". Kira's plan to change everyone's minds about humans, and how everything went down the toilet so fast. As I think about these things, I get to the top of the cliff and then I briefly turned back towards Happy, and saw something that made my Jaw drop. The weird bugs were making a screen, and it was projecting transmissions. After seeing this, I knew I had to get back to Happy. If I could find some messages from our humans, then maybe I can prove to Kira that they didn't abandon us, or her. So hopping on Jerry's back, I looked to him and said:

Garbage: "High ho, my fluffy steed!"

Jerry quickly ran to Happy and as we approached, I yelled to him:

Garbage: "Happy!!"

Happy: "Not now Garbage, I'm busy trying to get this stupid thing to work!"

He was clearly frustrated, but what I'm going to tell him might change that.

Garbage: "No Happy, look! The bugs, they're..."

Happy: "I know Garbage, the bugs are blocking me from sending out a signal to the M-Bark."

Garbage: "No Happy, look."

I walk over to the transmitter, turn a knob and look up as the picture changes.

Garbage: "It's like the bugs are amplifying the signals. If we find the right frequency, we can see the messages our humans left us!"

Happy then tries to shove me out of the way, but I push back.

Happy: "Garbage, let go you traitor!"

Garbage: "I'm not a traitor, I'm trying to help!"

Happy: "You are a traitor! You tried to betray the mission, but luckily I stopped you, and now I'm going to contact the M-Bark and stop Kira!"

I finally got a good shove on Happy and knocked him back. I then pointed at Happy and said:

Garbage: "Jerry, hug!"

Jerry immediately jumped on Happy, and held him down.

Garbage: "Good job, Jerry! Now to find the right frequency..."

I started turning the knob, until the picture showed a human.

Olga transmission: "hello my treasure!"

Garbage/Happy: "WHAT!!"

Garbage: "Wait, wait, wait, that's Olga, the scientist lady from P.R.A.T.S. She has a dog? I always pegged her as more of a guinea pig kind of person."

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