chapter 3 sparing and introductions

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Y/N: "fucking hell."

I say to myself, sitting on my bed still recovering from the nightmare I just had.

Y/N: "I guess I better go take a shower and clean my clothes, nightmares plus a year and a half of cryostasis can not smell good."

I stand up and remove the main cpu of the exosuit which is located in the chest, causing it to power off, I then set the cpu on the desk in my room before removing the rest of the suit, leaving me in just my regular clothes.

Y/N: "I wonder if I could take the suit down to the med-tech lab and make it more compact?"

I think out loud before heading to the bathroom. entering the bathroom and looking around I see well, it's a bathroom alright it's got the basics a toilet, bathtub, sink with a mirror, some towels, and soap, nothing to fancy but that's fine. it's not like I'm gonna invite people over to party in my bathroom.

Y/N: man I look like shit.

I said while looking in the mirror, I turn away from the mirror and remove my clothes, then step into the shower and turn it on, quickly scrubbing myself, washing my hair then rinsing myself, I then stepped out and dried off, walking out of the bathroom and to my bed I looked into one of the drawers underneath and pulled out some new clothes and put them on.

Y/N: "Ok now that I'm done with my shower, it's time to take a walk."

I quickly put my exosuit back on and click the cpu back in place then head out the door, wandering down the halls of the m-bark I think about the nightmare I had, why was Stella there? She's been nothing but nice to me so why would she be there? A thought then crosses my mind that made me stop in my tracks.

Y/N: *Could my fear be coming back? No! No way! I got rid of that.*

???: "you planning to use the holo training room as well?"

Y/N: "Huh?"

Startled I whip around to see a dog behind me, looking at her she appears to be a Labrador retriever with black fur.

Labrador: "The holo training room are you planning to use it? You've been standing there for awhile."

Thinking about it I decide, maybe I can punch some of my frustrations out.

Y/N: "Well it wasn't originally my plan but I think I will, though you can go ahead of me if you want, you probably need it more than I do.

Labrador: "Your going to punch out Your feelings aren't you?"

Y/N: "How did you know that?"

Labrador: "I calculated an eighty-three percent chance that you were stressed, based off of your body language.

Y/N: "What was the other seventeen percent?"

Labrador: "You were intimidated by my height."

Y/N: "oh."

Labrador: "I'm pepper by the way."

The Labrador said while sticking her paw out.

Y/N: "I'm Y/N."

I say grabbing her paw and shaking it.

Pepper: "I know, I briefed myself on you the moment the council announced there was a human on the m-bark.

Y/N: "Wow you take your job really seriously huh?"

Pepper: "Of course I do, if I don't take it seriously I could put my crew, and my mission in danger."

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