chapter 5 memories part 2

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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing, reaching over and grabbing it I look and see it's F/N calling me.

Y/N: "mh ..hello."

F/N: "Hey Y/N! what's up?"

Y/N: "Sleeping."

F/N: "Oh bad."

Y/N: "Don't worry about it. So what do you need?"

F/N: "I was just calling to see if you still wanted me to take you and Kira to the mall?"

Y/N: "Uhh, yeah can you come pick us up at..."

Quickly looking at the time I see it's currently ten in the morning.

Y/N: "Twelve?"

F/N: "Bet bro bet I got you."

Y/N: "Alright thanks F/N."

F/N: "No problem, see you homie."

Y/N: "later."

Sighing I look up at the ceiling remembering the events of last night, more specifically Kira's kiss. The weird thing was I didn't hate it like I thought I would.

Y/N: *I still can't believe she did that, and why don't I hate it like I should? Kira's a dog I should be more disturbed by her kissing me. Then again maybe I lik-NOPE not going there.*

Staring off into nothing for a while I eventually decide to wake Kira up and get ready to go to the mall.

Y/N: *I really hope she doesn't remember last night.*

Looking over I see Kira lightly snoring while peacefully asleep.

Y/N: *I wonder if she actually meant what she said last night ..WHAT ARE YOU THINKING, of course she didn't mean it she. was. drunk. She's not going to love you, not like that.

Lightly shaking Kira awake I see her start to open her eyes.

Kira: "Huh? Oh good morning Y/N, dog my head fucking hurts.

Y/N: "Yep that's called a hangover."

Kira: "This sucks."

Y/N: "Here, I'll get you some water and an aspirin."

Kira: "Thanks."

Getting out of bed and going downstairs I say good morning to my mom and grab Kira a glass of water, heading back upstairs I grab her an aspirin from the medicine cabinet in the bathroom.

Y/N: "Here's your aspirin and water."

Kira: "Thank you, so how did I end up with a hangover?"

Y/N: "Humans end up with a hangover after drinking alot of alcohol. however you didn't drink any so the current theory is, coffee affects dogs the same way alcohol does Humans."

Kira: "Okay, note to self no coffee. Also don't people act weird when they're drunk?"

Y/N: "Yeah they do."

I said trying not to blush while recalling the events of last night.

Kira: "What did I do?"

Y/N: "You um REALLY cuddly." *really Y/N! Lying to her again!*

Kira proceeded to bury her face in her paws to hide her embarrassment.

Kira: "Oh my dog please no."

Y/N: *Clears throat* "Anyway, we're going to the mall with F/N later."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2023 ⏰

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