Chapter 2 Tours And Nightmares

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I sat alone on a bench in the M-Bark park, after walking out of the council room. I just kind of wandered with no specific destination in mind, not that I knew where much of anything was. After a while, I ended up here, still clutching Kira's half of the necklace in my hand. I take a deep breath, pocket the necklace and look around. I see many different dog breeds milling about, some stop to look at me, others don't seem to notice my presence. While I was looking around, I failed to notice someone sit next to me, that is, until they cough. I, of course, turn to see who it is, and I see it's the rough collie from before, Stella, I think her name was.

Stella: "Hey."

Y/N: "Hey."

Stella: "So, this sucks."

Y/N: "Tell me about it."

Stella: "I would, but I don't think it would make you feel any better."

I let out a dry humorless chuckle at that.

Y/N: "No, probably not. So, what are you doing here?"

Stella: "Looking for you, actually! The Council wanted someone to see how you were doing, and to show you around."

Y/N: "And you volunteered?"

Stella: "Yep, I figured it would probably be best if I did it, because Ed would get you into trouble, Chonies would ask you a bunch of questions about your suit, Nomi would just talk your ear off, And Garbage would try to "fix" your relationship with Kira."

I cringed slightly hearing that last one, as I really wasn't ready to see Kira again.

Stella: "Anywhere in particular on the ship you want to see first?"

Y/N: "Maybe somewhere with food, I technically haven't eaten in a year and a half."

Stella looked shocked by this news.

Stella: "H-how? I mean most humans die after, what, three days without food?"

Y/N: "My only answer: Cryostasis."

Stella: "Damn, I guess. Anyway, yeah, let's get you something to eat."

Stella and I  get up and start walking,  making light conversation as we went.

Stella: "All of this must be kind of overwhelming for you."

Y/N: "Not really."

Stella: "Come on, be honest. You're not even a little freaked out?"

Y/N: "I guess I do feel a little funky, but I'm not really overwhelmed."

I say not wanting to tell her the full truth.

Stella: "Huh. Oh, we're here."

Looking in front of me, I see a quaint little restaurant, with a sign above it that reads "Real Dog Diner". Unoriginal named aside, it was rather nice, with its classic diner exterior.

Y/N: "Real Dog Diner?"

Stella: "Yeah, unoriginal name, I know, but the name isn't important. It's the food that matters."

I let out a light chuckle and walked in with Stella.


As Stella and Y/N walked in, Y/N looked around, noticing the place had a styling reminiscent of a diner from the 50s or 60s. It had a bar type area in the center, and booths around the outer edge near the windows that had red seats and wood tables. There is also what was presumably  the kitchen in the back.

Stella: "Let's go sit down."

Y/N: "Alright."

Stella and Y/N found a booth in the corner and sat down.

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