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"What is that?" Drakko asked, trailing from behind Thor as they walked towards a plane... thing?

Thor looked behind him without stopping. "You've never seen a quinjet before?" He asked, slightly shocked that Drakko had never seen a quinjet, even though he has seen many floating around the place.

Drakko shakes his head, a sad small frown on his face. "He never let me out of the building." He said, entering the quinjet and followed Thor to the front of the quinjet. "And the only jet I've seen is Val."

Thor shakes his head in disbelief, turning to looks at Drakko. "And now you're free." He said, smiling when he notice Drakko lips quirked up slightly. He turned back to the control, pressing buttons and flipping the switches. Thor placed his hand on a pad which scans his handprint as it lift up green.

"Voice verification required." Drakko looked around the quinjet when he had heard the voice and founds out that it came from the quinjet.

"Thor." Thor tried.

"Access denied." The voice said as a small frown appears on Thor's face.

"Thor, son of Odin." Thor tried again.

"Access denied." The voice said.

"God of Thunder."

"Access denied."

"Strongest Avenger."

"Access denied."

"Strongest Avenger!"

"Access denied."

Thor sighed, turning his head to look at Drakko who looked rather amused making a small smile to appears on his lips.

Drakko noticed that Thor is looking at him and shrugs his shoulders. "Do you have a nicknames?"

Thor was suddenly struck by a realization as he turned back to the control, chuckling softly. "Damn you, Stark." He mutters. "Point Break."

"Welcome, Point Break."

Thor chuckles, sharing a smile with Drakko but it faded when Hulk suddenly barges in through the quinjet rear door. He turned to look at Hulk, dragging Drakko behind him– even though he knows Drakko can defend himself– as Hulk approaches them, breaking any metal that stands in his way.

Thor turned to the quinjet's console, clicking any button to try and find a way to stop Hulk from breaking any more stuffs.

"Friend stay!" Hulk grunts

"No, no, no!" Thor mutters.

Drakko looked to the buttons on the console, and clicks one button and hopes that it's the one Thor is looking for. A beautiful woman with a short red hair suddenly appears in front of him, stopping Hulk from breaking the quinjet as Thor still stands in front of him defensively.

"Nice work, big guy. We don't know where Ultron's headed, but you're going very high, very fast."

"...So I need you to help me out. Okay? I need you to..."

Hulk shakes his head. "No! No, Banner!" He groaned, dropping to his hands and knees. His whole body warping as he roars and grabs at his face, shaking his head, trying to fight back.

Drakko peek from over Thor's shoulder when the quinjet was filled with silence and saw a man laying at where the Hulk was. So this was that Banner guy Thor was talking about in the arena.

Thor rushed over to his friend's side to help ease the transition. "Banner. Hey, hey, hey." He said softly, carefully placing his hands on Banner shoulders. "You all right, Banner?"

Into you - Thor Odinson x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now