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Drakko looked around his surrounding, looking out for threats as Bruce and Thor talked with each other behind him. He paid attention to the conversation when he heard Bruce's loud voice, turning around to look at the friends.

"Calm!? I'm on an alien planet!" Bruce exclaimed.

"It's just a planet. You've been on a planet before." Thor said.

"Yeah! One!" Bruce said.

"Now you've been on two. That's a good thing. It's a new experience." Thor said.

"My neurons, they're firing faster than my brain can handle the information. This whole thing is totally different this time." Bruce said, shaking his head and taking a deep breath. "In the past, I always felt like Hulk and I each had a hand on the wheel, but this time it's like he had the keys and I was locked in the trunk."

"Alright, well, you're back now, that's all that matters." Thor said, placing his hand on Banner's shoulder.

"No, it's not what matters. What I'm trying to tell you, is that if I turn into the Hulk again, Banner may never come back. And we're stranded on a planet that is designed to stress me out." Bruce explained.

"We're not stranded, I'm gonna figure out a way to get us home." Thor said.

"Thank you." Bruce said.

"Not your home, though. Asgard." Thor said.

"What?" Bruce asked, looking up at Thor.

"Listen, my people are in great danger. You, me and Drakko, we have to fight this really powerful being who also happens to be my sister." Thor said.

"Okay, that is so wrong on so many... I don't wanna fight your sister. That's a family issue." Bruce said, looking up at Drakko who has been listening to the conversation.

"No, she's an evil being." Thor said, looking behind him at Drakko who shrugged his shoulders lightly.

"I don't care what she is. I'm not fighting any more beings. I'm sick of it." Bruce said, shaking his head. "I just told you. If I turn into the Hulk, I am never gonna come back again. And you don't care."

Drakko kneeled in front of Bruce, stopping whatever Thor was about to say. "Bruce, you don't need to turn into the Hulk. We can just go to Asgard. Save as many people as we can and leave." He said, placing his hand on Bruce shoulder, calming him down immediately.

Bruce nods, looking at Drakko genuine face. "Okay, yeah. I agree with him." He said, looking at Thor who is looking at Drakko with an affectionate stare. "Thor?"

Thor breaks out of his thoughts, looking at Banner and nodding in agreement with Drakko. "We have to move." He said, grabbing two towel from the ground next to him and placed the towel over his and Drakko head.

"What are you doing with that?" Bruce asked, looking at Thor with confusion on his face.

"We need a disguise. We're a fugitive." Thor explained.

"I need a disguise." Bruce said, looking up at Thor.

"You are the disguise." Thor said.

Bruce take out a pair of Tony's sunglasses in his jacket. "I'll be Tony Stark."

"What?" Thor asked.

"Yeah. Tony and the gypsy." Bruce said.

"No, no you're not Tony. You're Bruce Banner." Thor said.

"Then why did you dress me up like Tony?" Bruce asked.

"Because you were naked." Thor said.

"Okay, I'll give you that." Bruce said, standing up and adjusting his pants.

Into you - Thor Odinson x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now