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Thor walked into the cockpit with Drakko trailing behind him, leaving behind a writhing Loki on the ground. "All right, I can figure this out. It's just another spaceship." He said, sitting on the chair as the garage doors open.

Drakko looked around the ship as the blaring alarms is sets off from around the palace. He holds onto the chair as the ship lifts off from the garage. Thor pushed forward on the throttle, as the ship zooms ahead. Drakko would have fallen down if he wasn't holding onto the chair.

"Now, what does Loki mean by marrying me?" Thor said, eyes focused on flying the ship as to not crash them.

Drakko softly sighed, still holding onto the chair. "Grandmaster had always wanted me to marry someone so he can tell me to take over Sakaar." He said, playing with the skin of the chair. "He don't care if I don't know the person or not."

Thor hummed, nodding slowly, looking to Drakko for a seconds before facing forward. "You make good choice of fighting back against your father. Now, I can't imagine my father forcing me to marry someone I don't know, but I do know that it's wrong to force something you don't want."

Drakko smiled softly as two ships was blown out of the sky by Valkyrie ships. "Thank you for saying that." He said, looking out the window of the ship. "I've waited so long for someone to say that."

"You deserve the world, Drakko." Thor suddenly said after a minutes of silence.

Drakko blushed lightly, turning away from Thor to flips a switch to open the door at the back, like Valkyrie had told him to do.

Drakko walked back to the doors, as he heard a scream approaching the ship. He quickly catched Bruce before he can fall off the ship. "Are you alright?" He asked softly as Bruce nods at him, walking back to where Thor is steering the ship.

"Shouldn't we be shooting back or something?" Bruce asked.

"Yes, we should." Thor said, turning to the radio to talk to Valkyrie. "Where are the guns on this ship?"

"There aren't any. It's a leisure vessel." Valkyrie said over the radio.

"What?!" Bruce and Thor exclaimed as Drakko looked around the ship.

"Grandmaster uses it for his good times, orgies and stuff." Valkyrie said.

Drakko takes a second look at the ship, looking up he saw multiple mirrors on them and the floor is covered in a Sakaarian Persian rug. He shudders as he turned back to look in front of him.

"Did she just say the Grandmaster uses it for orgies?" Bruce said.

"Yeah. Don't touch anything." Thor said as more fire was fired from behind. Bruce, Thor and Drakko witness the fiery explosion of Valkyrie's ship. "No!" He exclaimed, his fear was cut short when he notices a figure coming out of the explosion.

Valkyrie hits the ship's windshield and grabs hold of the ship.

Thor pilots the ship out of the city into the Wastelands as six Sakaarian fighter ships race after them in formation. He looked up at Valkyrie outside the window. "Get inside!"

"In a minute!" Valkyrie said, pulling herself up and then runs down the roof of the ship.

"I should probably go and help." Thor said, standing up and gently pulled Drakko onto the chair to fly the ship. "Here, take the wheel." He said, patting Drakko's shoulder two times before walking towards the door.

"Do you know how to fly a ship?" Bruce asked, head turning away from Thor when he disappeared from his view.

Drakko nods, a small smile appearing on his face. "I do. Valkyrie taught me everything I need to know about them." He said, focusing on flying the ship and dodging all the incoming fire.

Bruce noticed that they are followed by a ship, and looked at the control button, noticing a button with a little explosion icon. "Okay, come on. There's gotta be a gun on this thing." He mutters, looking at the button. "That looks like a gun." He said, looking at Drakko and seeing him response with a small shrugs as he presses the button.

Drakko looked around the ship's as the lighting suddenly changes, like a disco effect. Weird dance music blasts over the ship, followed by Grandmaster's voice.

"It's my birthday! It's my birthday! It's my birthday."

Bruce looked around the ship confused, but then he hears fireworks making him looked behind him and saw the colorful colors. He let out a laugh, turning to Drakko who has a smile on his face. "Yeah!"

Drakko let out a joyous laugh, hearing footsteps approaching behind him. He stands up and let Valkyrie take over the ship, standing besides Thor who has an amused expression on his face. "What?" He asked, looking up at the blond.

"I... nothing." Thor said, the smile on his face not fading as he turned his head to the front.

"Guys, we're coming up on the Devil's Anus!" Valkyrie said. "Here we go!" She exclaimed as the ship is swallowed up by the towering nightmare that is the Devil's Anus wormhole.

The ship's on-board computer shorts out as darkness filled the ship. Drakko looked around the ship, seeing Bruce, Valkyrie and Thor looking like they are in extreme pain, as there's great concern the ship could be torn apart.

Drakko sighed, closing his eyes and focusing on his powers as his feels his hands slowly filled with energy as it wraps around the ship. He opened his eyes after five minutes have passed and saw the trio unconscious in their seats making him sighed with relief, leaning back on the chair as the three seemed to be okay.

Into you - Thor Odinson x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now