Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Waiting

He waited.

At the top of Mt. Taicang, he waited for Hua Cheng to return.

By the broken cottage he sat, looking at the path where he desperately hoped to see a tall man walking towards him with a smile.

He would want to see a red clothed figure with silver bells hanging on his black boots and a scimitar attached to his belt.

Behind him was a broken cottage.

No door was attached, the roof had a few holes in them, and the walls had scratches and dents.

For most people it wasn't advisable to live in such a place, yet Xie Lian had already lived in these kinds of places and so he was used it.

Mu Qing and Fengxin had offered to get the cottage into fixing in which the former scrap collector declined.

"Fixing a cottage would be costly. It's better not to indulge in trivial things and use the money to help the people in need." Xie Lian smiled.

"Are you kidding me?!" Fengxin asked in disbelief.

Even Mu Qing could not help but snicker, "Isn't that what we're doing?"

Now he sat there, patiently waiting for Hua Cheng's promise to be kept.

Not that he did not believe in him.

Xie Lian knew very well the extent of Hua Cheng's love for him goes beyond defying the Laws of Nature.

He will come back.

He always will.

And if Xie Lian had to wait for a long time, he would.

Hua Cheng waited for him for over eight hundred years, so what did it matter if he waited for Hua Cheng for another eight hundred more?

It could be a thousand years, ten thousand years, and he would still wait, and continue to wait.

Xie Lian's gaze laid on his hands. Around his third finger on his left, was a string that connects him to Hua Cheng.

It was a bright and vivid red string.

The Ghost King tied it around his finger as a means to finding one another in case of involuntary separation.

Xie Lian smiled, the thought of Hua Cheng still out there somewhere gave him reassurance.

"Gege, give me your hand."

Although puzzled, he obediently gave the latter his hand. He then raised his hand to look at it afterwards.

There he saw a very thin red string that Hua Cheng personally tied it on him. The man in red showed his hand that had the other end of the string tied.

"Now we’re joined together."

Xie Lian's face grew hot at Hua Cheng's statement. A second later, he returned the smile.

"Is this some sort of a spell?" He asked.

"En." Hua Cheng confirmed before continuing, "Even though we won’t be separating voluntarily, but just in case. This string won’t break, and won’t grow shorter. If the string doesn’t break, then it means the person on the other end is alright. Unless the person is no more, otherwise, this string will for sure lead to the other."

"What do you mean ‘no more’?" Xie Lian asked.

"Dead, or dissipated," Hua Cheng explained.

With one last glance at the path, he stood up from his seat and left the dilapidated cottage to take care of the plants surrounding it.

He figured perhaps, when Hua Cheng returned, they would've blossomed.


Wattpad wouldn't let me put photos :(

oh well

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