Chapter 3

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{Kyle POV}

If im being honest, its kind of weird having my best friend over for dinner...

my parents can be... well uh.... Argumentative?

yeah.. thats the word alright..

I sit at the chair thats nearest to the edge of the table, its not really that close to the very edge but its close enough I guess..

Before Stan could even do anything Ike bolted into the room like he was a fucking bolt of lightning, and sits next to me. I mean he is helping because he is making it less obvious that me and Stan are already friends.

I laugh a bit awkwardly, Ike then hugs me and attempts to scoot his chair closer to me.

The chef, ironically who's name is, Chef, brought us our dinner.

me and Chef are good friends.

"Hello children, and your magesties!" He says joyfully. "Why hello Chef, thank you for bringing us dinner!" Says my mother, in a thankful tone.

we all get our food and eat.

its pretty quiet.. and peaceful...

"So.. what do you guys think of the... 'other team'..." My father speaks up, I quietly facepalm... here we go again...

"Gerald.. we've talked about this. we can't talk about OR be angry about... them... at the dinner table, they don't deserve for us to talk about them, remember?" My mother corrects my father.....

"I know Sheila, its just... why do they have to support, and be with the Statour side?" My father argued.

(HI, auther here.. J so you know i will change the name of ps4 and xbox1 for this story to make it seem more realistic, and something kingdomes would do, y'know? Obviously you can tell which is which, and what i changed whiched too, j tellin ya :) )

I tried hiding my face with my hand, I can't beleive they are arguing over the other side right now...

a little background info, our kingdome is right across another kingdom which is titled, "Statour" and our kingdome is called "Serix".

(Hi, auther here again.. get it cus.. Serix is like.. series x.. and series x is xbox 1? and Statour is like, station four,, like.. playstation 4?

hehe.. ill go home-)

"I am so.. so sorry my parents are doing this right now..." I whisper to Stan. "Don't worry dude, my parents do this too.." he replies, out of shock I compare them, and laugh to myself a bit.

"Can I be excused?" I ask my mother and father, they instantly go from angry and arguing from happy and smile warmly at me in sync, and say "Of course sweetie" Also in sync.

and then of course as soon as there done saying that they go back to arguing agressivly... in fucking sync...

God damit stop with the fucking sync...

"I need to follow him to make sure the young prince does not sneak out." Stan gets up and says in a very masculine voice.

holy shit thats a good excuse.

Me and Stan walk back to my room, but in the process my lower body feels very exposed to danger,
so I pick up my pace and we make it back to my room.

What was that about..?

I throw myself on my bed and groan in annoyance..
"Are you alright?
I mean.. Your Majesty?"
Stan corrected himself jokingly.

The Prince and the Warrior {🌌Stan X Kyle🌌} {Style} {South Park}Where stories live. Discover now