Chapter 4

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{•Stan POV•}

I offer my hand to help him get up , and he laughs a bit。
He takes it and we walk downstairs to eat breakfast, I almost forgot we were holding hands to be honest。

My heart was rapidly beating like crazy !

I then let go , "I don't think I'm allowed to sit and eat at the royal table with your family , Kyle。
Because I'm just a warrior。" I told him while laughing nervously。

"Oh that's right , I forgot you couldn't 。。。"
Said Kyle。

I followed him downstairs anyway just because it's my duty to protect royalty and something could happen to him。

My eyes slowly go down his his body as I walk behind him until I find myself staring at his ass 。。。
Ong I finna get him drunk so bad 😩

We finally make it downstairs , and a soldier walks up to Kyle quickly。

"Your highness , I was ordered to give you this note before they left by the king and queen。" He told Kyle , bowing to him and handing him the piece of paper , I stood next to Kyle as he read it。

"'Hi bubby ! Your father and I have been invited over to the Kingdom of Statour to settle a peace treaty , so our Kingdom and theirs will no longer be at war and there will be forever peace ! Also we need you to go around our Kingdom and give this word to everyone。
That last one was an order young man ! So you better do it ! And bring your brother too !'
Ugh 。。。Goddamn It I don't wanna fucking do this shit !" Kyle read the letter out loud。

"I can go with you if you'd like ?" I ask him , he then looks at me 。。。
His beautiful emerald eyes glistening 。。。

"Well 。。。Alright , you can go with me。" He tells me , hesitating a bit。

I then panicked out of realization and started to run towards the stables but then Kyle grabs my arm , "not you。" He says , not making eye contact。

When he goes to let go his arm accidentally goes down a bit , feeling my 😩 muscles 😩。
And then he looks at my arm in shock , "Dude 。。。Your arm feels way more muscular than it looks ! No offense 。。。" He says in surprise。

"Thank you ?" I say while laughing a bit from his shock。
All of a sudden a guard does an aggressive power walk towards us like that one middle aged man in the park trying to work out。

"Your highness , the horses are ready to ride。" Said the gaurd , he sounded exactly like Bruce from 'Family Guy' this actually caught me by surprise。

'Dude fuck the horses , Kyle can ride me。'
WHAT ! ?
Oh-- god damit it's one of those thought that just pop in your head out of nowhere literally making you shock yourself。


I mean 。。。 I'm not complaining 。。。

"Ok , thank you Steve。" Kyle replies to the guard , I almost laugh at how basic his name is--
But then I realized my name is Stan。
And then I realized I like a guy named Kyle。
So I just shut the fuck up。

Me , Kyle , and 。。。Ike 。。。 then goes to the stables , and we both get a horse because fuck walking。
Ike hitches a ride on the back of Kyle's horse。


Kyle and I have been going around the village for hours now , what is taking Kyle's parents so long ! ?

The Prince and the Warrior {🌌Stan X Kyle🌌} {Style} {South Park}Where stories live. Discover now