Chapter 8

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{•Stan POV•}

Holy shit there are a lot of people here to witness it , I cautiously look out into the crowd to make sure nobody from Statour is here。
All of a sudden we hear a loud voice speak up , "Hello everyone ! The coronation will be starting now , open the doors !" They yell out , all of a sudden the doors that lead into the throne room (the doors behind me , where the coronation is being held) opened。

I turned around curiously to see how everyone was arranged 。。。
And then I see Kyle , he looks so beautiful 。。。

I was to caught in the moment of admiring Kyle's pretty face that I forgot about the crowd and instantly got trampled and ran over。

What's wrong with me ?

{•Kyle POV•}

The only thing on my mind right now is to make sure that anyone from the kingdom of Statour doesn't show up 。。。
And you may think 。。。
'kyle you dumb bitch you can't trust Stan !' because it caught him talking to the king and queen of Statour like he was a part of some plan 。。。
Well I need to get closer to him to find out more about him , to make sure I can really trust him 。。。

However there is one thing that may go wrong 。。。

What if he is doing the same thing I'm doing 。。。

No 。。。
There's no way 。。。
And besides if he really is I'm never going to tell him anything personal 。。。
That way he can never find my weakness 。。。
I still need to figure out his weakness too however 。。。

"And now , the prince will stand up and present a speech !" I snap back when I hear Steve say those words。
I sigh , I guess this is where my fun ends now 。。。
I stand up and walk up to the podium。

Once my face is shown clearly to everyone , I hear a majority of the crowd gasp a bit in awe 。。。
Was there something on my face ?
Eh , whatever , I just need to get this over with--
"You're hot !"
"Yeah you're a fine price of ass !"
Two people in the crowd yell out , catching me by surprise。

I then smiled and laughed warmly。"I'll kill you later 。。。" I say outloud , still smiling warmly。
I then cleared my throat。

"People of Serix , I'll have you know that the only reason I'm here today is only because the fucking kingdom of Statour brought me a package of my chopped up ,
dead , rotting parents to me , with Ø delivery fee ! Haha 。。。Isn't that just 。。。Wonderful 。。。" I say those last words harshly , I grip the sides of the podium roughly ,
about to break it as I tried keeping a smile on my face。

"Anyways , I would like to thank all of you for being here-- except the two that yelled those things earlier 。。。I really don't have much to say。
But , I can tell you what's going to happen as soon as I'm officially king !" I then say。

"So we're gonna get the loudest music we can fucking get , and we're gonna fucking party our asses off !
Tonight is the night to do as many drugs as you want ! And break as many bones as you want ! And have as much sex as you want ! And kill as many fucking people as you'd like , because I'll be fucking king mother fucker !" I shout , everyone then starts cheering。
I start laughing and then I get pulled away by Steve, who claimed that I went too far with my speech。

--{°•TIME SKIP•°}--

I'm sitting on a throne , and then the speaker speaks , blah blah blah 。。。
Then finally 。。。

Then I'm handed a crown , I take it , but I don't put it on my head。
Instead , I notice something in the shiney reflection。

No 。。。someone 。。。

They had a bow and arrow aiming at me , I assume they would fire once I put the crown on my head 。。。
They were in a hidden spot though , the only way you could see them is if I looked up 。。。

I instantly grabbed a knife that was nearby , we used it to cut the cake btw。
I then quickly turned around and threw the knife into their neck。
Killing them , causing them to drop their weapon。

They then fall to the ground , I stand up and stare at it only for a couple of seconds 。。。
It was a Statour warrior 。。。

I then stick my hand out , signaling the speaker to hand me something。
"Hand me the heaviest thing you can find around us right now 。。。" I tell him。

I hear him stammering a bit in reply。
I turn around and groan in annoyance 。。。

I then pick up the fucking podium and smash the Statour warriors head in with it。
I then hold up the middle finger at it。

I then turn my head to the crowd , they're all just staring at me in awe。
All of a sudden they just start fucking cheering 。。。

I guess I'm officially king now 。。。

"The party starts right fucking now !" I scream out for everyone to hear。
The cheers get louder and I watch as everyone starts scrambling around everywhere getting as fucked up as possible。
I laugh a bit。

I then look at my crown , "why the fuck do I need this to be a king , fuck it !" I say to myself as I toss the crown。
Ah , I can't believe I got the whole kingdom to party like unsupervised immature teenagers 。。。
I love it 。。

I decided to get away from the spotlight as I walked around the village ,
looking around at all the beautiful teenage chaos I've created。
All of a sudden I get fucking jumpscared by a naked ass Cartman only in his underwear and with fairy wings on his back。
"PARTY ON FECKERS ! !" he screams with a beer bottle。
I just stare , confused as fuck。

All of a sudden I hear an ominous noise from the shadows 。。。
In curiosity I slowly walk towards it , and the noise increases 。。。
It sounds like someone whispering my name 。。。

Right before I can step into the shadows of where the noise is coming from , I suddenly feel somebody pull my arm away from the shadows 。。。
"Hey Kyle ! So , how excited are you to finally be king now ! ?" Stan tells me。

"You scared the living shit out of me !" I scold him , as he continued to walk me away from that area。
"By the way , you look absolutely exquisite, my lord 。。。" He tells me , jokingly。
I laugh a bit。

"Oh quiet peasant , your jealousy is merely important to me~。" I say mockingly in my best British voice。
Me and Stan then both laugh together 。。。

{•Stan POV•}

I put my arm around Kyle as we both walk and laugh together。
Thank god I got him away from there at the last second 。。。
I secretly look behind us at those shadows , and see them looking at me in confusion。
I stick out my middle finger at them and continue walking with Kyle。

I can't let anything hurt Kyle 。。。

The Prince and the Warrior {🌌Stan X Kyle🌌} {Style} {South Park}Where stories live. Discover now