Chapter 5

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{•Stan POV•}

I instantly kneel down and embrace the crying boy。
He hugs me back as he cries into my chest 。。。

All of a sudden he stops and gets up , he looks very angry 。。。no 。。。You can tell by his aura that he is angry 。。。but he looks dead 。。。

All of a sudden he starts walking towards the kitchen and after a little while he fastly walks in the direction of the other kingdom with a knife。
Me and all the other guards instantly jump and I rush to him as I hold him back。

I quickly lift him off his feet and in the air pressing his back tightly against my chest while he kicks and screams waving the knife around。
LET ME KILL HIM !" He shouts。

"Can someone please take the fucking knife from him !" I grunt while holding him。
Steve quickly does an aggressive power walk over here and takes the knife away from Kyle and then aggressively power walks back to the kitchen to put it back。

Kyle then angrily looks at Steve and reaches his arms out to him to get the knife back。
"Stan let me go ! Put me down !" Kyle yells at me。

"No。" I responded to him。"guys I'm gonna take him to his room。" I tell my other homies {the guards}。

I then carry Kyle up to his room , him crying , screaming , and kicking the whole way there。
I finally make it to his room as I walk in and shut the door behind us。

I then carefully set Kyle down on his bed。

"Listen to me , you need to calm down 。。。 you're starting to go crazy 。。。
You were about to just storm over to the Kingdom of Statour with a fucking knife just to kill one person。
When you could have been killed yourself !" I confronted him。

He covers his mouth as he breaks eye contact and I see tears continue to stroll down his face。
"Kyle 。。。" Is all I can say , feeling sorry for the poor , broken boy。

I hug him and let him cry on my shoulder as I soothingly rubbed his back。
"I fucking hate him ! !" He cries out。

I can tell he's going through a lot right now 。。。

"They where going to bring peace 。。。Why 。。。Why the fuck would they kill my parents ! ! ? ?" He continues to cry out。
"I'm here for you , you can let it all out 。。。" I told him soothingly。
The rain outside made a calming sound against the window。
Which helped in calming him down。

I continued to massage his back soothingly , "Slowly take deep breaths , it's going to be ok 。。。" I told him calmly。
"No it's not going to be ok ! My parents are fucking dead Stan !" He whines out , sounding like a crying little kid。

"my mommy is gone ! My daddy is gone !" He continues to cry。"I could be your new daddy--" "STAN WHAT THE FUCK ! ! ? ?" He interrupts me instantly looking at me。

Fuck I let my intrusive thoughts win 。。。

Wait , he stopped crying because he was to busy to realize what I just said 。。。


I shouldn't 。。。It would be wrong of me to think that 。。。
What Kyle needs is for me to be there supporting him 。。。


But it did make him stop crying 。。。

NO !

"I'm really sorry Kyle I didn't mean it 。。。" I say to him , hugging him again。
I hear him sniffle。
"It's alright Stan 。。。" I hear him tell me as he hugs me back。

I should have never said that。

"Why are you crying over them though , every time we hung out you would always complain about them。" I tell him 。。。
He looks away in thought。"I。。。I have no idea , I guess it's because even though they where shitty , they were still my parents 。。。
And they loved me and raised me 。。。
And I remember they would always call me 。。 Bubby or 。。。Their little sweetheart。" Kyle says as he then tears up again。


"Calm down Kyle 。。。Think , Craig probably was ordered to do it by the kingdom of Statour 。。。" I say to him while rubbing his back。
"Why are you standing up for them ! ?" He asks me。

I start to hesitate。
If I'm being honest I do like the kingdom of Statour better than this shitty kingdom 。。。

"Sorry , I'm not meaning to it's just 。。。 You're going insane Kyle 。。。" I tell him。
I then get an idea to calm him down

I pull him close to where he is sitting next to me , and I soothingly caress his cheek , "Kyle , take deep breaths 。。。And listen to the calming rain。
It will help you calm down 。。。" I tell him calmly。

He then starts to take deep breaths like I told him , and starts to calm down a bit。
I hold him in my arms as he holds me as well , his head up against my chest。

After a while I noticed he stopped crying all together , he is still shaking a bit though。
"Do you feel better ?" I ask him。
He doesn't reply 。。。

" 。。。Kyle ?" I ask as I gently pull him off my chest to see his face。
He fell asleep 。。。

I smiled and laid him on his bed , putting him under the covers and making sure to be gentle with the fragile boy。
I then slowly get up and leave the room。

I then walk downstairs to my other 😩homies😩。


I finally make it downstairs to the "staff only" room。
And yes 。。。 they have those rooms in castles。

"So , I managed to calm him down and he fell asleep。" I told them。
"I feel so bad for him , he had to witness his dead parents being dropped on the floor out of a bag given to him by the person he hated the most 。。。
And to top it all off it's storming outside 。。。" Says Steve。

Then I realized something 。。。"wait , where is my dad ? Didn't he leave with Kyle's parents to go 'sign the peace treaty' ?" I ask in a panic。

"Oh , you mean the head of the warriors ? Randy Marsh ?" Asks one guard。
"Yes ! That's him !" I panic。

"Your father 。。。 didn't return back to the palace 。。。" They told me 。。。
I felt my heart stop 。。。

As memories flashed before me , of me and my dad 。。。
I felt myself tearing up。
'think Stan ! What makes you happy ! ?'


I slowly started taking deep breaths as I went to my 'happy place'。
Filled with all the Kraft Mac n' cheese I can eat , I fucking love Kraft Mac n' cheese。

"Sorry I lost it there for a second 。。。" I say to my homies。
"Y'know Stan 。。。 Kyle is the king now since his parents are dead , and since your father is missing and most likely dead 。。。
You will take over as Head Warrior 。。。" Steve told me。

I sighed。
"I know 。。。" I replied sadly。

The Prince and the Warrior {🌌Stan X Kyle🌌} {Style} {South Park}Where stories live. Discover now