👩‍🔧 Construct 👨‍🔧

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How to construct a Human? you ask? Well it's a rather easy task.

You first gather its organs and add them in their place; heart, lungs and brain are the most important; the rest is decided in your grace.

Don't forget the muscles and ribcage, the kilometers of vein, and of course all the lymphs... Not let's grab its skin.

It can be a bit more hairy or completely bold - it's up to you to choose. Have you chosen? Great! Put everything in the mold.

First add the skin, then the skeleton. Stuff all the glibbery stuff right in. Now add the second layer of skin.

Put a breathing tube right through its mouth. Maybe a bit more to the south?

Wonderful! Your human is almost done. Let's put it in the oven.

Bake your human 9 months on 38 degrees. 37, is also good, but don't go too low; it may freeze.

When it's out of the oven, comes the most important part. Quickly give it the kiss of Life or its world falls apart.

Great! You were on time. Oh my, what a beautiful human you made. Let's celebrate with some cake!

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