Chapter 2: The Instructor

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10 Years have passed ever since Kul' Teras was sent to the Human world. He became a popular teacher/instructor to nearly every fucking commander in existence, and they still are unaware of what he truly is. Kul' Teras has a nearby Protoss Outpost, it is close to the Azur Lane Base, and to is still undetected, not even the Sirens knew that place existed... Well, not yet at least... Since whatever they send would either be decimated or pulverized against a Protoss fleet or the Protoss cannons, plus, no one can prove that it's real if there are no witnesses right?

Anyway, Not only did Kul' Teras, which the author forgot to give him a human name, teach many commanders, 2 of them were the aces in terms of commanding. Those 2 are Layla Khaul and Yuriha Yamori, both are the first female commanders to have succeeded in their tests that was given by Kul' Teras. Kul' Teras remembered many Executors he once taught, some of them were female like the High Executor Selendis, so through experience he was able to teach them with no difficulty.

Selendis will be encountered in the Haven mission in WoL(Wings of Liberty) and meet her again in Zeratul's last mission that he gives us, you will meet her a few more times... Or everytime in LotV(Legacy of the Void) I believe... I don't know about HotS since I still need to pay for both LotV and HotS(Heart of the Swarm) in order to play the damn campaigns... Well at least Blizzard ain't as disappointing like most gaming industries... Their Cinematics hit DIFF, and gaming still hit DIFF...
-Th author who actually finished WoL the legit way except for Zeratul's last mission since he forgot about mass Photon Cannon building which proves to be effective against Zergs.

But they split... Why?... Well, one, it is because the 2 have immense rivalry, not only in terms of commanding a fleet... But also in terms of gaining Kul' Teras' affection... But they first had to try and survive his brutal training... Which they succeeded... Blasphemous... Only Protoss could survive his intense training.

In case some of you forgot, Kul' Teras was turned into human to fit in with the society.

And when the Admirals were about to assign on who would command Crimson Axis and who would command Azur Lane, both suddenly volunteered to command, Layla commanding Azur Lane and Yuriha commanding Crimson Axis, which then extended the effects of their rivalry. But not only that, through the discovery of Crimson Axis, they allied with the Sirens because of a foolish reason... To revive Amagi, it's understandable to do so but... TO WORK FOR THE SIRENS... BECAUSE OF THAT SPECIFIC REASON!?... BLASPHEMY!

But hey! This isn't about them! It's about our mc!

The author will call Kul' Teras in (F/n) when he is human and will change back to Kul' Teras when he turns into a protoss or when he reveals his secret.

[Location: Azur Lane Base][Commander's office]

"Commander?... Commander?"

A short white haired beauty wearing a maid outfit spoke. A blonde female suddenly woke up and hit her head on a improperly placed stack of paperwork... Which fell all over the floor in the process.

"A- ack! Ow... My head... The paperwork ;-;"

This startled the maid.

"C-commander a-are you a-alright???"

"I-Im fine Dido, I just hit my head, that's all."

This maid sighed in relief, she then remembered what she was supposed to do.

"Ah, Commander?"


The Blonde replied.

"The Admiral told me to tell you that... The "Instructor" is coming? I'm not sure what that meant but do yo-... C-commander?!"

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