Chapter 3: the unknown

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Author: yo, been awhile, sorry for the late update, lost my brain for a long while. Anyway, here's chapter 3 of this story, still in the making of the next chap of The AIN-Sinkable II. Hope you find this worthwhile :)

[Location: Pacific Ocean]

After what (F/n) did in the harbor of New York, he is currently cruising in USS Yorktown(the ship). He stood in the ship's bridge seemingly lost in thought.

'I wonder... How many days has passed in my galaxy? Although I cannot do anything about it, I can't stop worrying about what would have happened to all of them.'

The bridge door opens revealing the white haired beauty herself, Yorktown.

"U-umm, sir (F/n)?"

(F/n) looks behind him and sees Yorktown.

"Ah, Yorktown, no need for the formalities dear, I'm not fond of it anyway."

"A-ah, I see..."

Yorktown seemed nervous, well, of course she would be. Although they may have found the man that can get them out of their purgatory, they still feel the fear that they previously had.

"By the way, how long till we reach the base?"

Yorktown properly composed herself before speaking.

"With our current speed, it would take about 12 more hours for us to reach the base."

"Hmm... And if we move at full speed?"

Yorktown was... Well... Sweating...

"Ah, we can't go full speed can we?"

Yorktown said nothing and nodded.

"Those goddamn dipshits."

Of course, (F/n) would know who did this. After all, most of the Admirals in the AL navy despises him. So he would know this is the work of an Admiral and someone else that hates the Kansen.

(F/n) sighed and looked back at the horizon... Well that is until something happened.


Yorktown and (F/n) were startled by this.

*"Miss Yorktown! Sir (F/n)! Enemy vessels up ahead!"*

(F/n) grabs the ship's radio and spoke.

"What ships, and how many?"

*"7 Siren vessels, 2 Heavy Cruisers, 2 Destroyers, 1 Carrier, and 2 Light Cruisers."*


The 3 ships were worried as they were heavily outnumbered and are very underpowered, they can't fight of a fleet that big.



"Send out your aircrafts."

Yorktown was hesitant.

"Either you want us to die here, or we fight through, Javelin!"

Javelin saluted and stuttered.


"Send out an SOS, we will need to hold them back until backup arrives."


Javelin did what she was told.

"Laffey, do your best against the destroyers and cruisers, Yorktown will give you air support, Javelin will join you soon after."

The 2 nod.

Yorktown sent out her Wildcats to counter incoming siren aircrafts.

Laffey and Javelin activated their riggings and went to attack Siren ships but never went outside medium range of Yorktown to ensure her safety along with (F/n)'s safety.

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