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(Spoiler alert for those who haven't reached this part yet... Well Even I myself was Spoiled about this.)

Name: Kul' Teras

Rank: Instructor


700/700 (Sheild)

20/20 (Health)


50/50 (Shield)

100/100 (Health)




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He has light blue hair and blue eyes.(Referencing his Archon appearance.)

He wears a Yellow Suit with Blue outlines, his tie also is blue.
(Referencing to his armor.)


Psionic Storm - Used in Human form as he is weakened in his human form. Can deal high damage to units within it's area.

Psionic Shockwave - Used in Archon form, can deal immense damage against non-armored units, grouped up enemies will increase its capabilities.

Morph - As he is reincarnated as human, a mysterious entity gave him an ability to morph from human to archon or archon to human.

Dash - Gained in human form, can dash to enemies quickly to completely avoid any other heavy damage and deal damage to the opposing enemy.

Power Overwhelming - Overloads the body with immense energy causing the body to erupt into a black hole or a spherical distortion of space and suck or evaporate any nearby entity and kill them in the process.


Photon Blade Gauntlets - Is used by Zealots. Close combat weapon that can cut through Siren metal like cutting butter with a hot knife.


"Power Overwhelming"
-Everytime he transforms back into Archon.

"One can never hope to understand reality, as reality makes you not understand it."
-He said to a Commander.

"Who truly is Humanity's protector? You humans? Or the Kansen?"
-Said to some arrogant Admirals.

"What do you think you are? Humanity's Protector? Or Humanity's Cause of death?"
-He said to a Commander that ran when he saw the Sirens.

"One can never win a war, but one can always win a battle."
-He said while teaching some newcomers.

"I will fight, not for humanity, nor for anyone. I will fight, for my people, and my land!"
-Said right after he transformed into an Archon while fighting the Sirens.

Power OverwhelmingWhere stories live. Discover now