Chapter 5: The Bordered Orbit

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[Location: Earth's Orbit]

Currently at the Earth's orbit, there are about 20 Protoss Carriers, 200 Protoss Phoenixes, and 250 Protoss Scouts, quite a lot, but it IS to guard the Earth's orbit. But while scouting the area, a small Zerg swarm of Mutalisks and Overlords approached them.

Somewhere in one of the Carriers.

"Just like what the instructor said... Zerg are certainly arriving."

A Protoss High Templar said.

"Scouts, Phoenixes, approach the swarm, eliminate them!"

"Ik ku dar anai."

Both the Scouts and Phoenixes said right before flying towards the Zerg swarm.

It was not a one sided battle for the Protoss, as they witnessed that even a small swarm could do much damage to their numbers, Scouts went from 250 down to 241 quick and the Phoenixes went from having 200 to 184 far too quickly.

"What are these Zerg!?"

"They seem to be stronger than previously... Unless... They might not be the Queen of Blades' Zerg... They might be Zerg from another powerful individual."

"Executor, we must alarm the Instructor of this information, I fear our numbers alone cannot aid in blockading the Orbit of this Earth."

The Executor of the Protoss fleet thought for a bit... And finished after a few seconds.

"Khali, if you can gain a transmission from the nearby Terrans, do inform them that we are approaching to aid them."

The Protoss Templar nodded and went to the control panel to make a transmission to the Terrans.

"I will leave 5 Carriers, 100 Scouts, and 70 Phoenixes in the earth's orbit to continue guarding this place, the rest, do follow."

The Executor said, his Carrier started moving forward and the other Scouts and Phoenixes as well as most of the Carriers followed the Executor's ship.

"Executor, when shall we inform the Instructor of this matter?"

"I will inform him myself, continue on moving towards the Terran base near Planet Saturn."

The Executor commanded.

After doing so, the Executor opened a transmission to the Instructor, aka Kul' Teras.

"Instructor, we have gained heavy information about the Zerg."

Kul' Teras was not in human form no more, and pretty much spoke in a much deeper voice.

"What is this information that you speak of Executor?"

"The Zerg are stronger and much more versatile compared to the Zerg that the Queen of Blades commanded."

"Is that so? What happened to the Terrans near Saturn?"

"We are currently approaching them, we don't know however if they are friendly or hostile, but we must aid them in blockading the path from wherever those Zerg are to the Earth that you and the rest of our kin currently inhabit in."

"Alright, continue doing so, I will send reinforcements to enhance the defences of the Earth's Orbit and some more for some enhancements on firepower for you and your fleet."

"Thank you Instructor."

After that Convo, the transmission ended and the Executor looked at the front of the horizon once more... But instead of seeing the lovely stars of space, Zerg Mutalisks were spotted.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2023 ⏰

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