Chapter 4: Arrival and Some things

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[Location: Azur Lane Base harbor]

Shortly after the battle that underwent in the Pacific ocean, the girls awoke and saw that the Siren Ships were nowhere to be found. The girls wondered where they were and saw (F/n) sitting close to the deck of the ship, smoking.

The girls of course asked (F/n) about what happened, all he said was that he didn't know since he was knocked out as well. The girls easily believed this... Oh god, they might have the brains to know how to NOT believe the enemy but they sure have the brains to believe a lie from a human, no wonder they were treated badly-

Author: No insulting any of the ship girls bitch. *Holding the ultimate B I G F U C K I N G G U N M K 500,000*

Uhh... Mercy?

Author:... Only for now.


I forgot about how furious the author would be if I insulted any of the ship girls... ANYWAYS-

Omaewa mo, shinde iru.




Sorry for about that, the recent narrator you saw is now wiped off the grid and is nowhere to be seen, I am another narrator...

The 5th one.

Anyway, the reinforcements/backup eventually arrive and saw the current state of the ships. The allied backup included Enterprise, Cleveland, Hornet, Lexington, and Denver. They as well were shocked that they still survived when they fought the siren ships as they were heavily outnumbered and very underpowered.

The ships eventually towed them all back to the Azur Lane Base.

The Commander was waiting outside the base at the harbor waiting for the ships to arrive. Eventually, her and the present ship girls saw the state of Yorktown which got many of the girls extremely worried.

As Yorktown, Javelin, and Laffey's ships were taken to the dry docks for immediate repairs, both Javelin and Laffey were sent to the infirmary as they were heavily injured. Yorktown was still partially fine, but the strike that got them knocked out injured her as well.

"Good day Commander."

(F/n) said.

"G-g-good day instructor."

The Commander said while shivering and stuttering.

(F/n) eventually sighed and patted the shivering woman's head which causes her to calm down.

"No need to tense up whenever I'm around Layla, I already told you about that."

The Commander suddenly realizes and face palms.

"Oh lord, how did I forget about that."

(F/n) laughs wholeheartedly and speaks.

"Ehem, now then, care to explain of the current situation?"

"Ah, alright."

The 2 then started walking inside the headquarters. The girls however, were wondering on how their commander and a random man was able to talk very casually... which for them is very... rare.

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