Chapter 4

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You opened the door of your hotel room and threw your bag on the ground.

You took out your heels and just threw them anywhere and sat down on the ground.

Running your hands through your hairs, you looked at the ground.

"Why you do things ,that you know you will regret..? " A voice came from in front you and you looked up to the source.

"What are you doing here..? " You asked and the man came towards you and sat beside you.

"You shouldn't be here, we need to act strangers.. " You said and he chuckled.

"I broke the bathroom tap and even messed up with its electricity... Then I told them that I know you, so here I am.. Our cover needs to act us like strangers falling in love... Let it be my way.. " He said and you nodded, "Don't act like you are tough.. "

"I am not acting anything Yoongi. You know if Joy becomes pregnant and actually fall in love with her target. It can be dangerous for her. I can't.. " You said but your voice cracked.

"You can't break your promise of keeping them safe, you can't let them be hurt, you can't loose another friend, you can't let Joy be hurt, you can't let Joy become another Wendy" Yoongi completed it for you and you just nodded while looking down at the ground. A tear fell down on your lap and you smiled.

"Cry if you want to" He said and you nodded.

"I said cry.. " He said and you looked up to him.

"I don't want to cry.. " You said and he just looked at you.

You sighed and then looked back at the ground again.

"Now, I don't know what to do.. She is pregnant, we are going to drop the baby.. " You said.

"Did you ask her what she want..? "

"Every human falls in desire, I know she don't want to have a baby right now.. "

"How you know..? "

"I... I just know.. "

"You don't know Era.. " Yoongi said in a loud voice, making you look at him, "How can you make decision for her.. You should have asked her first .. "

You nodded and then he let go of your shoulders.

"I messed it up" You said and he once again held your shoulders. He pulled your head and put it on his shoulders, still sitting on the ground. He slowly, and continuously caressed your head and eventually you fall asleep.

The next morning, you wake up in your bed. Yoongi was also sleeping near you. You got up and head to the bathroom, cleaned yourself up. By the time you were out, Yoongi also got up.

"When are you going to talk to them" Yoongi asked as he saw you dressed up.

"I will when I want to" You said in a cold voice, "right now, I am going.. " You said and tied your hair in a ponytail.
As you took your bag, Yoongi shouted from behind,

"Wait, Era..!! " He said and you turned around to look at him. He ran towards you and pulled you into his embrace.
He didn't said anything, just held you
You didn't moved at his sudden gesture, but then you also hug him.

"What..? " You said from his chest.

"Oh.. Ugh.. Nothing, I just wanted to hug you" He said and pulled out.

"Okay.. " You said and looked around, "You can live here, bring your luggage.. Let's bring some spark in our act.. The guests would be arriving so" He nodded without asking.

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