Chapter 59

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"Dr. Era, 她住在这里吗 ( zhù zài zhèlǐ ma)(Is she staying here..)" Lan Hui asked the receptionist.

The receptionist showed him her professional smile and said , " 对不起 (Duìbùqǐ)(I am sorry)"

"What do you mean..??" Lan Hui frowned but the receptionist kept smiling..

"我们的老板命令我们不准让任何人打扰她 (Wǒmen de lǎobǎn mìnglìng wǒmen zhǔn ràng rènhé rén dǎrǎo )(Our boss told us to not let anyone disturb her)" She said in her soothing voice, but it only pissed Lan Hui more, " 我记得她今天没有访客 ( jìdé jīntiān méiyǒu fǎngkè) ( And I remember she doesn't have any visitors today )"

Lan Hui was left shocked by the receptionist, who got back to her work and decided to ignore Lan Hui .

As far as he remembered, and researched on his new rival, it only told that You have no one in china, but if turns out you doesn't need anyone.

You already own such a big hotel.

His world turned upside down, as his heart told him again and again, that something is wrong.

He tried his best detectives, but all he could found was nothing ..

Nothing on you.

You had no family, no relatives and there was no relation with any orphanages too.

The only thing, he found was that you are american, raised for your half life in Korea, and a famous surgeon. .

This is what he already knew too..

He looked at the receptionist again, and gathered his courage.

"我是她的同事,告诉她我想见见她( shì de tóngshì, gàosù xiǎngjiàn jiàn )(I am her colleague, tell her that I want to meet her )" He said with all of the confident he could ever have.

He thought that after hearing it, the receptionist would welcome him with very good reaction, but all he got was a smile ..

A Smile..

"Security..Please show him the way out.." 

As she said it out loud, two guards , who were standing in one corner of the hotel, came and held Lan Hui, by holding his both arms.

No matter how kuch Lan Hui resisted, he was thrown out and the door was closed for him.

And the men standing beside the door weren't opening the door for him.

It was the worst insult he ever got in his life..

It was the only insult he ever got in his life.

He stared at the shining building in front of him, and spat on the ground.

Now all he could do was , to wait for tomorrow, for the all confrontation.

You sat on the bed , with your phone.

The first thing you did was to press the video call button you were waiting for a long time.

The call was picked up after few rings and the one who answered it was Yeri.

"Yeri..What are you doing..Wait..Are you still at The Min's Cafe..!!" You exclaimed and she nodded with a smile.

Her eyes were showing how happy she was.

"Yes..The moment Yoongi came to know about it..He have never left here..I went back to home yesterday and now came back..He is still here.." She chuckled and you smiled too..

"Where..where is Yoongi.." You asked and the screen went black, like she kept the phone in the pocket.

After few rustling and bumping and laughing sound, the screen got brightened up again and the man in front of the screen smiled as he saw you.

"Yoongi.." You smiled and he smiled more widely.

"Era..You know how happy I am..that I want to jump right in the screen and hug you tightly.." He wiped his one eyes, and stopped the tear which never fell down.

"I will soon be there..really soon.."

He nodded and then showed the screen to Uncle Okra and Aunt Yuri.

"Aunt Yuri..Uncle Okra..I actually never thought that we will soon be family.." You said and the lady smiled .

It was clear from all of their face, that they are so happy they can never be.

Even their features were quite similar to each other.

"Why didn't I noticed it before..!!" You mumbled to yourself as Yoongi turned back to look at you.

He opened his mouth to say something, but then stopped as something else grabbed his attention.

"Hey Era..!! Jimin just came here, Why not you-" But he was interrupted by you.

"Guys, I will talk to you all later.. I.. I need to review some of the reports.. I have to report the work tomorrow right.. See you"

With that, you hung up the call, and fell down on the bed..

"Why is it so tiring.. I never got so tired before.. " You mumbled again.

"Because you were never tired mentally before.. "

The voice said and you sat up on the bed.

You recognized the voice, as your hands started to tremble.

"Wendy.. !! " You looked everywhere around you.

You got up and went out of the bedroom, going to the Hall, and then to other bedroom, and then again to the balcony.

The only thing you found was emptiness, and darkness.

You sighed and sat back on the couch.

You closed your eyes, clenching on the covers of the couch.

"How can she be.. " You chuckled and someone tapped your shoulder.

A tear fell down your eyes as you saw the person sitting beside you.

"Wendy.. " Your voice cracked as she nodded.

Your body moved itself, as you went in for the hug and wrapped your arms around the body.

She patted your back.

You hid your face, in her chest, and cried.

The crial which was held back behind, god knows from when.

You hugged her more tightly, just like a new born would do to her mother.

You were afraid..

That the person in front of you would disappear in the next second.

You wanted the same warmth you felt before.

But all you felt was thin air.

It was as if, your two senses were playing with you.

Your eyes told you, that she was here, but your touch told you, that she isn't.

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