Chapter 40

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"Yes..She is your daughter " Su Yao looked at the ground.

Jungkook felt his feet turn numb .

He was about to fall down when Jimin supported him and made him sit down on the couch.

"What is happening here..??" You asked, trying to figure out everything.

Things can't just go on without a clear clarification.

Though, it was not your matter to interfere, but there was something wrong about Su Yao..

You were not able go put a  finger on it , but you were sure about your instincts.

"We met..Three years ago.." Su Yao breathed and closed her eyes..

"In China, I was a great scholar..I was about to make my parents proud..But..Some of my friends and cousins were jealous and hence..They..They drugged me.."

There were tears accumulating in her eyes and they were noticed by you.

"They paid hooligans to impregnate me ,so that I will be thrown out of the university..And would never be able to make a come back..but that day..A man saved me from those..I don't know how but we made it together..Though the chances of getting impregnate were less, but it still happened. My cousins made it public and were sure that I was in this condition by some random hooligan..My parents..couldn't handle the blow and.."

Her voice cracked and you subconsciously patted her back.

"They left me..and then I was thrown out..Until a lady found me and helped me with everything.."

"How do you know each other then..?? And how are you both sure that it was both of you that night.??"

It was Jimin who asked this.

You also wanted to ask the same question.

"I..I was drugged by my family... They wanted to abandon me and sell me there " Jungkook said, who was still looking down..

Your eyes were widened as you heard this.

But Jimin wasn't shocked.

Jungkook clenched his fist and then continued, " before the drug started to affect me, I looked at Her Face clearly..So..I..I won't abandon her.."

"I..I grabbed the chance in early morning and ran away..I was afraid about the legal cases..I had my family..I couldn't handle it and hence..Ran..Away" Su Yao spoke and cleared your and Jimin's doubt.

"And after that I tried to search for you..But I didn't even knew Chinese..Ans that's when I met Jimin..Both of us were brought here with Jimin's Uncle's help and..this is where we are.." Jungkook said.

He finally looked up to Su Yao.

He didn't knew he should be happy or sad.

He found his daughter after three years.


He couldn't help but think what a worst life Su Yao and Su Feng would have lived..

And even..Jungkook himself wasn't capable enough to take care of both of them.

This is the moment of his life when he regretted his existence the most.

Why is he such a waste..?

"I am..sorry..But..Please.." Su Yao said and attracted everyone's attention, who were lost in their thoughts.

"Please..Don't take Su Feng away from me..I..can't live with out her..She is the only one I have.." She begged as she joined both of her hands in front of Jungkook.

Jungkook who was lost in his worthless life, stood up immediately when he saw Su Yao doing something like this.

He held her hands and took a deep breath.

"I am..sorry..I was not intelligent enough to figure out and find you.." He breathed out, " I won't take her away from you..but..Su my daughter too..I..I also want to hold her..and I." His words got stuck in his throat as he didn't knew what actually he should do.

You smiled as you looked at his flushed face.

Your eyes travelled to Jimin and you skipped a beat.

He was already looking at you!!

You didn't wanted to look away now.

You wanted to lost in his eyes forever.

"He broke the cold war you created "

The words suddenly echoed in your mind and you looked away.

A stiffness covered your heart but you swallowed it.

You looked back at Jungkook and Su Yao , who were strangers, but now were connected by a little girl ..

"So this is how her room looks like..??" Yoongi looked everywhere.

He didn't wanted to loose this chance and tried to memorize this thing.

Su Feng, who was in his arms , jumped off from there and started to run in the spacious room.

It was neat , tidy and a special fragrance was filled in the room..

It was woody , and also some roses.

It instantly calmed down the mind of people who walked in.

The only untidy thing there was the table, which was messed up with files. 

He didn't dared to touch those too.

"There is an order in this mess"

He remembered your words from once, when he was helping you to clean up in France and you snapped back at him furiously.

He was still looking at everything with curiosity when a notification diverted his attention.

"Su Feng..!!" He called out to her as he read the message..

But his eyes were widened when he saw that Su Feng was no longer in the room.

He checked the bathroom, the wardrobe and even the side room which was connected to your room, but there was no one.

He rushed out and his eyes were widened more when he saw Su Feng standing down the stairs, staring at everyone, in disbelief....with her doe eyes.


The four of you turned to look at the source of voice when everyone heard it.

Su Yao and Jungkook were in fear and immediately rushed over to Su Feng..

They didn't knew how much have she heard.

"Su Feng..?? anything..??" Su Yao asked as she saw that Jungkook was hesitant.

Jungkook didn't wanted to scare Su Feng and wanted to take things slowly.

Su Yao understood it fully and wanted ti support him too.

It was her fault to run away at that time.

This man was a really good Father for her daughter.

But..She still doesn't know anything about him.

"Is.. he Baba..?? " Su Feng said as much as she could..

"Did you heard Everything..?? " Jungkook gasped as he thought about the results.

They talked about drugs, being humiliating and death and everything..

"Eve.. Rything.. " Su Feng said and Su Yao almost collapsed on the marble floor.

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