Chapter 30

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"Envious of people who don't get love.." Seulgi chuckled softly and said it in a low voice..

"What did you say..??" Taehyung, who was driving the car , glanced at her ..

Seulgi didn't say anything else , but her lips were still curled up because of the chuckled she did before..

"You know what..You look quite good when you are sleeping..You are not an angry bird while sleeping.." He shook his head and then continued driving the car.

"People...who..don't get love.." She spoke in a low voice again and closed her eyes

Some Years Ago...

A girl was lying on the ground ..

Her hands were bleeding and she wasn't able to move her body..

"Kang Seul-gi.. You Unfilial child..How dare you come back.." A lady shouted..Her brows were narrowed and the veins were popping out from her forehead.

A man was standing behind her and just looked at everything with unbothered and emotionless eyes.

He was letting his wife do everything so that his own hands won't get dirty.

And all in all, the home is His Wife's authority and the outside world was his..

"If you didn't serve the Young Master..You should never have came home..How come you always come to eat and and live for free here.." The lady shouted again..

"I..I won't. " Kang Seul-gi , mumbled in a low voice..

"What did you just say..??" The lady bent down a little, taking her husband's support.

Kang Seul-gi clenched her fist on the ground and looked up..

Her face was bruised , and there was a glass piece stuck on her right cheek.

Her eyes were shining because of the collection of tears.

"I WON'T. .I am not a toy..I have emotions too..Why is it that you always send me to serve your young masters. THEY.." The tears which were held on her eyes, came down trickling through her cheeks, " THEY DON'T RESPECT ME..THEY..THEY TOUCH ME..I AM JUST 16...AND THEY..AND YET..I HAVE SEEN DIFFERENT KIND OF PEOPLE...PLEASE..YOU ARE MY PARENTS TOO.."

Her voice was filled with hatred , and plead.

"You yourself answered your questions..Too.." The lady chuckled, as if she was blind to her daughter's wounds, " We need more money to treat your brother's illness, and also his school requirements..Your Did is working day and night to give him proper living. .But you..You are doing nothing living at home and eating free food.."

The words that came out of the lady's mouth were vicious and she didn't hesitated for a bit before letting them out..

"But I can also study and do a great job...I-" Kang Seul-gi was saying and was about to stand up when a large and heavy wooden stuck landed on her legs.

Her body fell down with a loud thud .

"You..and study..How dare you have these thoughts in your mind.." The man , when saw that the situation isn't going well, decided to butt in .

Kang Seul-gi, who was filled with little hopes and was about to show a paper to her parents, was shattered in pieces when she saw her father hitting her, without even having any mercy..She tightly clenched that paper in her hand and hid it again in the pocket of her skirt.

"It's better if you die..We don't have to raise you even more now.." The last blow came to her from her mother..

She gathered every remaining strength in her body, and stood up.

She glared at the couple , whom she respected the most in the whole world.

"Then from now..I am dead..Kang dead.." She turned around and walked away from there..

No matter what else her parents shouted or said, but she didn't turn back and look at the worst past in her life..

The night was chilly and it was unable for her to be warm in her thin clothes.

She took out the paper from her pockets and chuckled bitterly.

"I got 91 percents , the best in our family..I wanted to show it to you..But.." She but onto her lips, trying to control her tears..

She just walked and walked..not knowing where she is going..

But all she wanted was to go away from here..

A far away place from this family...

She decided that she would never bother them, even if its the matter of her death..

She looked up at the sky , and saw the clouds which were ready to make a snowfall..

She went over to a corner from that place and knocked on a shabby door..

A man in his middle forties opened the door and was surprised looking at Kang Seul-gi at this time , in thin clothes.

"K-" but he was interrupted by her.

"Uncle JungMei , I need to go"

"Go where..??" He was confused with her sudden visit .

"Far away..Take me away from here.." She said , her eyes were now dry and the blood too..The glass piece was still stuck on her cheek, but it was as if ,not existent to her.

Uncle JungMei, who always persuaded this girl, whom he regarded as his own daughter , to leave that family of hers and come with him, to live a good life.He always loved Kang Seul-gi, because she was the one taking care of him, when no one was around..

Kang Seul-gi was like his light in the darkness of his life..

When his wife and daughter died , he was left alone, drinking and waiting for god to take him away too..

But it was Seul-gi who made him believe that loving like that won't make his late wife and daughter happy..

He accepted his fate and decided to move on and live for himself...For his wife..for his daughter...

And when Kang Seul-gi told him this..He was the happiest man now..

Six Months later..

"UNCLE JUNGMEI, THERE IS A PARCEL FOR YOU..!!" Seul-gi shouted from the door, as she took a big cardboard box in the house.

Uncle JungMei came down running , as he heard her shout.

"Open it open it.." He was jumping up and down from excitement.

"What is so exciting about receiving a parcel. .??" Seul-gi titled her head as she stared at JungMei.

"JUNG SEUL-GI, OPEN THE BOX...RIGHT NOW.." he ordered her ,as he knew she won't listen to him..


Jung Seul-gi. .

She changed her name and accepted Uncle JungMei as her father..

She stared at the cardboard box.

Bold letters were printed on it , in Japanese..

Jung Seul-gi and Uncle JungMei, escaped from their prison in South Korea, and came in Japan the next day the sun rose..

No one was able to find Kang Seul-gi now..

Because she was dead..

And the person who was born in shining light was Jung Seul-gi. .

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