Nightmare X End

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Gon threw Overhaul towards Nighteye while he ran to Alluka, lifiting her up and spinning her in the air.

"Both of you are okay!"

Alluka giggled. After being place on the ground, she jumped forward to hug Gon. Hanging onto his neck for dear life.

"Thank you for rescuing Eri, big brother Gon!"

Gon hugged her back with a huge smile. Killua scoffrd and crossed his arms. What am I? A wall? His murderous look was noticed by Gon who looked at him. He opened an arm towards him.


Killua walked forward and hugged Gons neck. Resting his chin above Allukas head with closed eyes. Alluka giggled happily while being the ham between two pieces of bread.
Aizawa sighed to hide his smile. He turned to Nighteye who finished his call with Nezu.

"And? He agreed?"

"Yes. Eri will stay with recovering girl for now while receiving counseling. Her exact quirk isn't known yet. We can only wait to see if she'll end up in foster care."

Aizawa frowned, but he nodded anyway. He watched Overhaul be taken away in an ambulance.

"By the way, did you call for an ambulance?"

Nighteye nodded.

"I ordered two to transport Overhaul and Chronostasis."


In the ambulance, Dabi sighed in relief.

"Holy shit, that actually worked..."

Tomura fastened the straps around Overhaul.

"Duh, never doubt me."

Overhaul grunted at the tight straps.

"Jeez, suffocate me why don't ya!?"

"Nah, that's too boring."

Dabi took his cheap costume off while talking.

"Seriously though, that kid is terrifying..."

Compressor looked back from the driver seat.

"The white haired one?"


Dabi shivered.

"He clearly saw us, he even threw a peace sign at me! But he just ignored us!"

Tomura hummed while wiping blood onto Overhauls forehead.

"He was so quiet when we kidnapped him, but he could've snapped us in half... That's so cool..."

"Calm down nerd. Focus or I throw you out."

Dabi silently mouthed his words with an exaggerated face.

"You son of a-"

"Kids! No fighting."

Tomura growled at Compressor while Dabi shrugged. Overhaul sighed.

"What are you gonna do anyway? I don't have anymore bullets. Go get your own."

The ambulance stopped moving. Dabi got Overhaul outside while Compressor and Tomura followed. Moving was futile, Overhauls mind started running instead. After being place on the ground, his eyes followed Tomura while he got closer. Tomura squatted down, scratching his head with a finger.

"You know, you talk a lot of shit. Quirks are a disease, everyone is dirty, you'll save the world... But you're just a hypocritical piece of shit."

Overhaul frowned. The hell is this kid saying? Tomura took the hand off his face, showing his wide grin.

"Using a quirk to get rid of the 'disease.' Using your quirk to gain more power and choosing to stay with this 'disease' even after you developed a 'cure...' You're a perfect villain, huh? Hypocrite."

Overhaul scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"You're just a kid, what do you know?"

"Shut it. I'm not done yet."

Tomura sighed while hitting the side of his forehead with his index finger.

"I hate hypocrites. They make my head dizzy, my nausea to flare up, and weird voices to speak."

"^#&$, don't cry, your father loves you."

Tomura shaked his head and stood up.

"What did sensei say...? Right."

With his grin, Compressor stepped forward: Getting his marbel ready.

"Destroy everything that annoys you."

Overhaul felt his eyes widen when he realized why Tomuras hand was moving closer to his own.

"No, stop! Please, Shigaraki, I need my quirk!"

Without it, the old man will stay in a coma! Tomura stopped, making Overhaul breathe in relief.

"Really? My bad. I'll continue now."

"You- no! Stop!"

Dabi picked at his ear, ignoring Overhauls screams. Compressor threw him inside the ambulance while Tomura scratched his neck.

"Well, let's go."

Dabi smiled.

"Boss, we saved a little girl just now. Didn't we?"

"Hah? The hell are you on?"

"Now that his quirk is gone, she won't have to fear him anymore."

Tomura thought about it.

"... Oh. I guess so."

Dabi never thought he would rescue someone as a villain. Even if it wasn't intended, they still saved a life.

"... To you think, she'll turn out better than us?"

Tomura shrugged.

"Speak for yourself, I turned out great."

"Yes. A great asshole."

Dabi ran inside the purple portal before Tomura could grab him. Compressor smiled and entered when he saw the other ambulance catch up.


After coming home, Killua cooked Alluka an omurice. Smilling at her clear enjoyment.

"Finally, no more fish!"

Gon snickered while she kept talking.

"Aunt Mitos cooking is really good! But it can't compare to my big brother! He doesn't add carrots or yucky greens!"

Killua didn't mention the spinach inside her smoothie.

"Seriously, you need to eat more of those."

She took a sip while shaking her head.

"It tastes gross! I'm never eating those!"



Their door flew off from the impact. Hitting Gon straight on. Bisky stepped inside with a smile. Greeting them with a hand on her hip and the other formed a peace sign.

"It's been a while you three."

Alluka and Killua activated gyo upon seeing it.



"Good! Gon you-"

Bisky stopped when she saw him. Killua turned to Gon with his gyo still activated.

"Gon... Why are your aura nodes closed?"

They watched Gon rub his neck while laughing nervously.

"I uh... Let my guard down..."

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