Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

3rd Person Pov:

As Budo was about to reach the top of the roof out came a sick looking Taro. Budo took a step back trying to stay out of his way and once out of view Budo pondered on whether he should go get a nurse for Taro or go to the rooftop to try finding Ayano. Budo picked the first option thinking it would be better to help a fellow classmates, but before he could walk away he herd the rooftop doors open and there he saw Najimi. Budo was going to say hello till he felt something off about her “are you ok-" Before he could finish his sentence Najimi was falling and in a split second,  Budo's instincts took over him and he jolted towards her and caught her. By only taking a glance at her, Budo darted towards the nurses office with all his might.

Budo slammed the door open startling the substitute nurse Muja Kina and the schools official nurse Nasu Kankoshi. Budo put Osana down on one of the beds and asked for help “Please Help Her!” the nurses both rushed over with Kankoshi leading. “what happened” said Kankoshi “I don't know, I was heading up to the rooftop and before I reached the door she was falling but I caught her and I saw foam coming out of her mouth and ran straight here" said Budo in a frantic voice “Kina escort Masuta out of here now" Kina only nodded as she started leading the way to the door with Budo “i-is she going to be okay!?” asked Budo “Out!” was all Kina said before the door was shut on Budo's face. The only thing he could hear was the frantic voices of Kina and Kankoshi. Not knowing what to do Budo waited at the door. Moments later the Ambulance and a medical team came and took Najimi. Budo got up and started asking questions “is she going to be okay!?” asked Budo to a stressed Kankoshi “the medical team will take care of her now, you should go back to your classes” was all she said and Budo knew that's all she would say.

Instead of going to his classes Budo went to his club room to cool down. As he started to hit the punching bag and began to ask himself ‘was there anything I could've done? Should I have done something? Was I fast enough? Will she be okay?” One after another he kept thinking while each swing stronger than the last.

Around the corner was Ayano. She was walking to every restroom in hopes to run into Taro.  She seemed to be in a really good mood though that mood didn’t last long went she say flashing light pull up to the school. She looked out the school window and saw Osana being put onto a stretcher, surrounded by a medical team along with the school nurses following, explaining the situation she was in before letting them take over and leave with Osana.
Ayano was at first pissed off that she didn’t just die like she planned but that soon went away when she herd noises coming from the club room. Ayano peeked inside wondering who there around this time since everyone should’ve been in class right now. As she peeked inside, she saw Budo punching the sand bag. He was still in his school uniform. Ayano watched a little longer since this behavior from him was unusual. Just then Ayano could’ve sworn she herd him mumble something. She put her ear against the thin opening of the door to make out what he was saying.

“I’m sorry Najimi, I should’ve been…..faster”

Ayano's eyes winded as she started to put two and two together. Ayano started to feel a bit a rage inside her. Because of Budo, Osana might live now. This went against her plan to be with Taro. How Dare Budo try and ruin that for her, even after saying he’d help her win her senpais heart. Ayano was getting ready to go in and start asking questions just to be sure but the voice of her teacher stopped her.
“you right there, what are you doing out of class didn’t you hear the bell ring”

Ayano rolled her eyes before facing her teacher. Ayano was trying to think up a lie to avoid trouble.

‘should I say I was in the bathroom? Or that I was running an errand for one of the teachers? Wait how much time has passed?’

Before Ayano could open her mouth Budo interrupts her.

“Sorry sensei, we were just doing some clean up in the dojo club before clubs, though it seems that time got away from us” their teacher only sighed and looked away before looking back at them “just get back to class” both Budo and Ayano nodded before heading to class, but when club times came around Budo left a note on the door saying no club for the day.

Ayano clicked her tongue because she wanted to ask Budo a few questions to see if he was the at fault for getting medical treatment for Osana, but she’ll just have to wait till tomorrow to ask.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2023 ⏰

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