Chapter 11

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[After School]

3rd person POV

Ayano was getting ready to head home till a familiar voice called out to her. “Aishi" said Budo as he jogged to her “let’s walk home" Ayano shrugged agreeing to walk home together even though she didn’t care either way, as long as she got home.

“sooo" Budo said Looking at Ayano as if she knew what he was talking about “so what?” she asked in her usual monotone voice looking forward “soo, did you make any moves on Yamada yet" he asked. This caused Ayano to stop walking. Budo took a few steps before turning around. “I’ll take that as a no" Budo sighed and walked closer to her “really, you haven’t done anything” Ayano just looks at the ground “if I was in your shoes I would have progressed, it’s been a few weeks since school started” Ayano started to get annoyed an emotion she only gets when hearing Osana’s voice “its not as easy as it looks” she said

Budo put both his hand on her shoulders causing Ayano to look at him. Budo looked at her with determination yet kind at the same time.

“Ayano Aishi, I Like You" Ayano just looked at him with a blank stare “eh" she said. Budo then smiled and laughed “see that wasn’t that hard, now you try" Ayano continued to look at him with her blank stare before walking again “not happening” she said as the distance between them started to grow “hey wait up" Budo said as he starts to catch up to her.

“Aishi-san I’m sorry" Ayano just kept walking not even giving him a glance. Budo was going to get on his hands and knees till something caught his eyes. Ayano looked behind cause the whining and begging sound disappeared along with Budo. Ayano just shrugged before she continued to walk home.

It was peaceful, calm, and quite, on The walk home something she handed done since meeting the Martial Arts members especially their leader. Ayano was left with her thoughts.

‘maybe I could walk around the school tomorrow, maybe see if any of the clubs have what I’m looking for. But how to I even make her consume it'

Ayano was drawing a blank till it hit her

‘Osana sometimes makes Senpai a bento, maybe if I put it in their, it could look like food poisoning, but wouldn’t she be with senpai, wouldn’t he try to save her……..yeah he probably would. He's so perfect’


Before Ayano could fantasize about Taro, something cold shocked her. The source was coming from her neck. She turned around only to see a familiar smile. Announces again started to rise.

Budo had a popsicle in his mouth and another in his hand which was gesturing for Ayano to grab. “it’s for you" Budo said still trying to give her the popsicle. Ayano starred before grabbing the popsicle.
“a popsicle?”  Budo just smiled “come on eat it" Ayano looked at the popsicle in her hand. It looked familiar.

‘I think I had this a few times when I was younger'

Ayano took the plastic off the popsicle and gave it to Budo who put his hand out to take. Ayano ignored the starring coming from him.
Ayano spit it out as soon it hit her taste buds. She through the popsicle at him which he dodged What flavor was that" Budo started to laugh “it's black licorice flavor, gross I know, but some people actually do like this" Budo then handed her another one “no" Ayano said before he could offer “come on, this ones good, I promise" Ayano didn’t believe him “Look" Budo opened it and took a bite “see" Budo said “please this time I’m apologizing” 
Ayano took it, but she did wanted revenge for her taste buds “eat the rest of that popsicle, and I may forgive you" Budo turned around to see it on the ground. Silence filled the air, as Budo had his brain running.

‘do I really have to eat this. Should I refuse…no then she won’t forgive me for making fun of her…but it’s on the ground of a sidewalk where everyone walks on every day’

Budo stood there for what felt like forever. Ayano started to walk causing Budo to snap out of it. “wait!” Budo grabbed it, Budo looked Ayano who was starring at him with a face that said ‘go ahead’

Budo closed his eyes and forced himself to open his mouth. The popsicle was slowly but surely making it’s way to his mouth.

Ayano got bored and walked closer to him, making sure her footsteps weren’t heard. Budo started to gag as he felt something forcing its was down his throat. It took Budo a few seconds to realize Ayano was shoving the popsicle down his throat.

Budo then grabbed it out of her hand and ate it. Budo then did a hurrah, like he just won something that was impossible. He then looked at Ayano, who was giving him a look that said ‘your disgusting’ which made Budo realize what he just did. In defeat Budo looks at the ground “just eat your popsicle” he whimpered. Ayano just sighed, knowing she wouldn’t really taste anything. Her taste buds were always like this, for as long as she could remember so it came to be a surprised that she could taste the details in it.

“cherry mixed with blueberry”

Budo shook his head as his mood changed right back to his usual self. “its good isn't  it" Ayano shook her head.
They then proceeded on going home.

After getting home, Budo went up to his apartment. He unlocked the door to a usual dark quite room.  Budo just sighed before heading towards the bathroom to brush his teeth.

Budo's thoughts were interrupted when he felt something in his mouth. He grabbed what he felt, and out came a long strand of hair. After pulling it out Budo puked in the toilet and called it a night.

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