Chapter 1 - ace of spades

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1 months before main events


"I don't know why I'm trying, I'll die because of my visa today anyway" A girl said, slouched over in an alleyway. The sky was dark with not a living thing in sight, her body was covered in cuts and bruises from previous games. A familiar bright white light appeared and a voice announced "This way to the game arena" Followed by an arrow pointing left. The girl got up from her location and decided to follow the arrow. 




'PLAYERS TAKE 1; PLAYER COUNT 10" read a sign that sat on a table in the game venue, in front of the sign was a wristband, the girl grabbed it hesitantly and placed in on her arm as it snapped together and clung to her wrist, she walked further into the game venue and saw 9 other people next to an elevator. Nothing there was especially intriguing except one thing, a person, he was in the corner of the room wearing a white hoodie, looking down and staying very quiet despite the fact that someone was trying to talk to him. "Goal, players must hunt the animal on the 7th floor of this hotel without using weapons. Game, Ace of spades. Time limit; 30 minutes" said the announcer voice they had all gotten used to, the girl seemed fine with this information along with everyone else and so they crammed themselves in the elevator and made their way to the 7th floor as they were greeted with a loud alarm and a roar coming from a nearby room. Two men decided to take charge and left the elevator first, one was a large man wearing a black shirt and military camouflage trousers and the other was a lot skinnier than the other but was still relatively muscular and sported an orange and red sun hat. Everyone followed their lead as they all jolted down the hallway except for the girl and the man she saw before, she was tempted to ask him something, but she didn't bother and followed the rest. "they're over thinking this, the animal is a bear cub and it's 3 rooms down from here, if they plan on using brute force to kill it then they've already lost their chance, guess I need to save hatter again" the man said as he took his hands out of his pockets and headed to the room he determined the animal to be in, he could hear the others only get further and further away. The man opened the door to the 3rd room and sure enough there it was, a bear cub lying on the bed rolling around while biting on a human hand, presumably from the last people who played this game, the man looked at the bear cub and swiftly through a punch at its head, grabbed it by the neck and gave it a slow painless death by snapping its neck. Everyone else in the group was still looking for the animal when the notifications was released "The beast has been hunted, congratulations to surviving players" The voice said which left everyone confused, just then the man appeared behind the group and threw the body of the cub on to the floor next to them "You're welcome hatter, it was really easy" The man said as he threw the card towards the man wearing the hat who was now known as hatter. "Thanks Cheshire, I owe you one" Hatter said as he gestured for the rest to leave. Everyone headed back to the elevator to leave the venue except for the girl and the one hatter called Cheshire, she approached the man and said "Thanks, if you don't mind me asking, what's your name?" The man looked at her and gave a smug smile "Shuntaro Chishiya, you?" The girl smiled and leaned on the wall she was near "Kuina Hikari, pleasure to meet you" she said and returned a smug look to Chishiya. Kuina was about to leave the venue when she got stopped by Chishiya "I don't trust many people, but you give me a different impression, come with me, I'll take you to the beach and we can work together if you want to live long" He said very calmly, Kuina thought he was just going to be a sex obsessed creep like most other people but she was wrong, he was actually nice. Kuina thought for a moment and then agreed to Chishiya's offer, he started to walk back to the elevator with Kuina following behind as they left the venue and headed for the beach. 






"I'll never forget that day, you're the best thing that has ever happened to me here Chishiya. Thank you" Kuina said to him as they were standing on one of the many balconies of the beach rooms, Chishiya just gave her his signature smirk, "you've been good for me as well Kuina" he responded "but there are more tedious things at hand, Aguni, Niragi and Hatter are setting out to find the 3 of clubs, 7 of hearts and 6 of diamonds tonight, with me being an executive, if I get dragged out promise me you'll stay safe" He added as his smirk turned into a more sincere smile as he looked at Kuina who was smoking a fake cigarette, the girl smiled back at him and said "only if you promise me the same thing" They both shared a quick laugh at that as the door to the room they were in opened and they were greeted by someone who loved to anyone Chishiya at every possible chance "OI Cheshire! say goodbye to your girlfriend, you're coming with me to get the 6 of diamonds" Niragi called out from the doorway, Chishiya turned around to face him "I was just about to ask if you needed me and how many times do I have to tell you that she's not my girlfriend" Chishiya responded as he left the balcony and went to Niragi's side "I don't believe that for a second, although to be fair you do like it when I threaten you so you could be on the other side of the spectrum" Niragi mocked as he pushed Chishiya out of the room "I do that because if I don't then you would kill me and I Don't want that" Chishiya responded as he waved goodbye to Kuina, she gave him and small wave back as she ran up to Niragi and kicked him out of her room sticking her tongue out at him and locking the door behind her. "He'll be fine... right?" Kuina thought out loud to herself as she lay on her bed noticing that Chishiya had forgotten his makeshift taser and pistol, she pondered for a moment about trying to give them to him, but she knew by now that it'd be too late and that Chishiya wouldn't need to use them considering he was going to play a diamonds game. With that, Kuina shut her eyes and drifted off to sleep, finally content with everything that was going on. 

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