chapter 14 - Queen of hearts

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"Good luck Cheshire. I'd be impressed to see you keep them alive while Arisu fucks us over with his friendship talk to try and beat this game" Niragi said trying to get Aguni and Last boss to wake up. Chishiya scoffed at the name and knew that Niragi was just trying to knock him down. "You know Niragi. In a matter like this, the smartest will always make it out on top. Just keep trying to wake them up and I'll deal with them soon. After that you're free to do whatever you want." Chishiya responded as he continued to patch up Kuina the best he could. Niragi let out an aggravated scream as he rushed towards Chishiya to hurt him. "You think that just because you're smarter that you get to boss me around? That you have control over me? Well you're horribly mistake Shuntaro!" Niragi yelled but was quickly silenced when Chishiya pulled a pistol out from his jacket and cooked it back proceeding to point it towards Niragi with a smirk on his face, Niragi just backed away and continued what he was doing before.

1 hour later

Within time Chishiya was able to bandage everyone up to give them a chance of survival, It wasn't the best but it should be enough. "We're counting on you Arisu. Our lives rest in your hands" Chishiya said to himself as he looked into the sky. The sun was slowly setting and the queen of hearts blimp still flew high. While Chishiya was lost in thought he felt something wrap around him from behind, he looked back and saw Kuina slouched over trying to hug him. Chishiya turned around and lay down himself putting Kuina on top of him so she could rest comfortably. "I thought you were more decent than that Chishiya" Niragi said while laughing, Chishiya could tell it was a joke from the King of clubs game but not everyone would have known that. That's when Niragi felt a sharp swift pain in the back of his head and he fell to the ground proceeding to cough up more blood. What had happened? Aguni happened. Aguni was finally awake and seemed perfectly fine despite his injuries. "If it'll let us live then just tell me what to do Chishiya and I'll try my best" Aguni said as his face scrunched up and his head started bleeding again. Chishiya smirked. "Thanks for the offer Aguni but you won't be able to do much in you condition. If you want to help you can make sure Akane is still breathing during her procedure." Chishiya responded as he wrapped Kuina in a blanket and put her down, realising she had gone unconscious again. Chishiya was determined to keep them alive, they all hadn't gone through this just to die.

Preparations were ready, after about 20 minutes of finding surgical appliances and preparing Akane they were finally ready to save her. During the game she had multiple bullets enter her body from the king of spades so it was a miracle that they were even still alive. While Chishiya was working Niragi was told to look after Kuina and Last Boss while Aguni made sure Akane was still functioning properly. "This would have been a lot better with An here, at least then we'd have someone to do this professionally." Chishiya said as he started using a small pair of forceps to widen the bullet holes so he could extract fragments of the bullet easier. As the surgical tongs entered Akane's body she let out subtle groans from the pain of the process, at least that confirmed she was still alive. Chishiya wasn't trained in this type of thing but he had the most experience out of all of them, however, it took close to half an hour to get only one bullet out of her body. "Well. This isn't good" Aguni said while handing a rag to Chishiya so he could wipe his head. Obviously, the situation was nerve racking and couldn't be performed by an ordinary person but they had to try. "Strap in Aguni. We've got a long night ahead of us and it's getting dark quickly" Chishiya said as he recollected himself and got back to work

three and a half hours had now passed since the queen of hearts game began. After many struggles Akane was able to be fully patched up and have most of her wounds treated, yet she was still unconscious in Aguni's lap as he continued to nurse her the best he could. During that time Niragi had left with Last boss to catch up after Kuina woke up again and Tatta had found his way to them, saying he had been looking for them ever since he went off with An to play some clubs games. However, it was confirmed when Tatta arrived that An had died during the Jack of clubs so Tatta could go on, many considered An to be the lonesome, uncaring, self dependent type but when it came down to it or if you dug deep enough you'd find the softness inside of her that she'd only let out once someone she loved was in trouble. "Does anybody remember what happened before everyone vanished?" Tatta broke the silence that lurked around them all like a disease, it was weird, so much to tall about to fill the void with no one saying anything. "All I remember were the fireworks. I was with Danma, or you'd know him as Hatter, at the time when that happened in Shibuya, after we saw them I felt some type of burning all over my body yet when I woke up I was with Danma and nothing was wrong, the only thing out of place was no one being around" Aguni responded, they were all bored out of their mind but even after starting on a topic something felt wrong and out of place but no one could decipher what it was. "I think I finally understand" Chishiya announced to the remaining group, everyone turned to face him and noticed he was inspecting something on one of the cars they were close to. "Think about this. The Queen of hearts wasn't even a playable game until today, there hadn't been a way to get to the game venue. If you find that weird I don't blame you. I don't understand that either but I noticed something. There's a camera in the door of this car which I know wasn't there before this game started. Which means. We're officially part of this game. We just don't know the rules yet." Chishiya said as he returned to the group, his mood having finally changed to contain a sense of awareness and fear. "It's good to see you can feel emotions Chishiya. But if that is the case then I fear this'll all be for nothing" Aguni responded as he looked up to the tower where the queen of hearts was being played and started fanning the dim flames of a poorly made fire, that was their only light source. Chishiya smirked once again and threw almost a full deck of cards into the flames as footsteps echoed in the distance. "We're winning this tonight!" Niragi yelled to them all as he finally returned with Last boss. Both of them sat around the fire with everyone else as they explained how they were able to hear some things coming from the game arena, mostly screams but there was one cry that could easily be identified as happiness that came from Usagi. "Arisu better get this done quickly. Akane won't last much longer if she hasn't woken up yet" Chishiya told them, if he could hut Arisu and force he to move quicker then he would take the chance but that was obviously out of his reach. After another short interval of silence the sounds of skin being dragged across the floor could be heard near to the group, thankfully it wasn't a threat, Akane had woken up and had started weeping into Aguni's chest as the man who was considered an unbreakable unit tried his best to comfort her. Everyone shared a similar smile at the sight of it but Aguni shut them down with a very hasty threaten as he got a gun out of his waistband, safe to say that was able to shut anyone up, being threatened by Aguni would have been a guaranteed death later on in life had this not been the supposed final game.

Suddenly everything went dark and a laser began to form from the queen of hearts game arena. This was it, everything was finally over. Out of nowhere a loud bang echoed through the newly illuminated sky, a firework show had begun which solidified the idea of this being over. "Congratulations. To all surviving players you will now be given a choice. A player can either return back to their world or can accept permanent residency here in this country of Borderland. Say your answer out loud and it will be done once all residents have answered" The announcer voice everyone and everything had grown to fear and hate now gave them hope for better life and a way out of this hell. "I get it now. If you stay here then you become a face card or game maker like Kuzuryu, Mira or momoka. If you leave then that's it, it's all over" Chishiya said, thinking out loud to himself. Kuina quickly wrapped herself around Chishiya tightly. "No matter what you choose Chishy I'm going with you" Kuina said as she only tightened her grip, almost crushing his frail spine. Chishiya smirked to what she said. "I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't mind doing these games again. But I want to go back. I decline residency" Chishiya responded. "I decline" Kuina said aswell as she leant into Chishiya. "You're all so boring. But Chishiya, my problem with you is that you're like me. I decline" Niragi said with a laugh, for once everyone was actually getting along and at least having a little bit of fun. "I don't accept" Akane, Aguni and Tatta both gave the same answer. That just left Last boss, the man who devoted his life to the borderlands but the same who felt compassion for those he cared about. "I decline" Last boss shocked everyone with that, he was dead set on staying so why had he changed his mind. "I realise now that the people I've met matter more to me than a land of freedom. Besides, I can live freely in the real world. Also does anyone else smell burning" Last boss continued, most of the borderlands probably hated him and his actions but he had some people who would accept him, and now he had something to return to in the real world.

Shibuya prison, the location of the Jack of hearts, a place that had been abandoned and out of service for years now had 2 residents. "Banda, I believe this is a place worth conquering, we share some ideals so I'd like to have the honour of ruling this land with you. I accept residency of this country" Yaba announced from the roof looking towards the fireworks after the announcement was broadcasted across the country. "It'll be fun Yaba, let's do it. I accept residency" Yaba returned the same answer and made their way back into the prison not knowing what their fate would be after this.

After a long time of the fireworks booming they had finally come to a stop and a thin layer of smoke rained down from the sky. Then everything went black and the smell of burning only grew stronger...

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