Escargo't'- 2030

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A football game is on in the background. The roar of the crowd coupled with the screaming pledges surrounding me is irritating. I stare at my phone. Why hasn't she called? Why are girls so complicated? I felt such a deep connection at the party. I realize how stupid that seems, seeing as it was just a few hours. But I thought she felt it too. I sigh and flip through my phone. My mom has called ten times, but I'm not answering if it's after five. I know what state she's in after dinner.

"What's your deal?" A frat brother named Michael asks me. "Don't like football?"

I drag my eyes away from my phone. "Not really," I say.

"Oh, you're the runner," Michael says with a mouthful of chips. "You're gonna win the Athlete House trophy for us this year."

I look him up and down. "The what?"

"Brandon didn't tell you? We need you to win that damn race."

Was that why he asked me to join? My heart sinks. But I couldn't think about that now. "Do you know that girl from the restaurant? She was also at the party."

He shrugs. "I dunno. Was she the one making out with Chris?" He waves his hand dismissively.

"Definitely not," I say, but my eyes shift to the senior named Chris lounging on the couch with his designer shoes and gentleman's haircut. I want to punch him. Both of them. How dare he even suggest such a thing? Lana would never lower herself to make out with such a pompous ass. Right? She's a damned angel on earth. I shake my head and flop down onto the couch. I'm glad no one can read my mind. I sound like a lunatic. Dread fills my belly.

Holding up my phone, I open my social apps. Then I realized I didn't know her last name. I search all the apps for a Lana, feeling like a stalker. I am about to give up when I find her. "Lana Raye," I whisper. "Beautiful name."

I smile at her stunning profile picture, then sigh. Why would she take my number if she had no intention of calling? Her profile is public but there is only that one picture posted.

My stomach growls. I could use some food. I shoot up from the couch. "I know where she works," I say to myself.

"Hey, asshole," a pledge yells. "You're blocking the TV."

"Sorry," I say, and rush to the door. "I'm going out for a burger." And I knew just the place to go.

I jump in my truck, and it starts with a roar. I drive to the place where Lana works.

I'll just grab a bite and strike up a conversation. Everyone goes to that joint off campus. I wouldn't be a stalker at all, I chant to myself, trying to do the speed limit.

The idea sounded great in my head, but when I get to the restaurant, I don't get out of my truck. Why would she want a loser like you?


I turn. Hillary waves at me from outside my truck. I roll my window down. "What are you doing here?" I say, a bit too forcefully.

Her friends behind her giggle. She gives me a look but smiles anyway. "Everyone comes here, silly."

She is right. The place is a popular haunt for the local college kids. I settle down and force myself to put on a friendly smile, getting out of the truck. "Hey, how are you doing?" I ask finally.

"I'm doing great. We're headed to the movies if you want to come." She bats her eyes expectantly.

That's when Lana walks onto the restaurant patio. My heart stops. "Uh, I can't."

Hillary follows my gaze and her face falls. "Yeah, okay," she says, looking down at her feet. "Maybe next time."

"Yeah, sure," I say and push past her.

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