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It was a typical day in Godric's Hollow, at least for the Potters. With Harry's father off at the Ministry and his mother tending to their home, Harry found himself up to his usual mischief.

Giggling mischievously, the young raven-haired boy dashed up the stairs, stumbling slightly as he entered his parents' bedroom. Hearing footsteps drawing near, Harry quickly ducked under the bed, his heart pounding with excitement.

"Harry!" he heard his mother call out, her voice echoing through the room.

Suppressing his laughter, Harry peered around and spotted a dusty wooden box at the foot of the bed. With a curious gleam in his eyes, he reached out and pulled the box closer, coughing as he brushed off the dust. Opening the lid with a creak, he discovered a trove of treasures inside.

Among the items Inside, laid pictures of people who he was familiar with. He smiled as he pulled out a picture of a girl, who smiled brightly as her hair changed from brown to blue.

He placed the picture on the floor, beside the box as he began to observe all the other things inside it. A golden snitch, tickets to the last show for ABBA purchased in 1982, someone more pictures, a bunch of papers which he presumed were letters and a head-boy batch.

"Gotcha!" Suddenly, laughter filled the room as Harry felt hands grab his ankles, dragging him out from under the bed. Startled, Harry turned to see his father standing there, a knowing smile on his face.

"Dad!" Harry exclaimed, scratching his head sheepishly as he rose to his feet.

His father's gaze fell on the picture in Harry's hand, a nostalgic expression crossing his face. "Where did you find that?" he asked, his tone tinged with curiosity.

"Under your bed, Dad," Harry replied, handing the picture to his father.

Taking the picture, Harry's father smiled fondly as he traced his thumb over it. After a moment of reflection, he placed the picture in his pocket. "Harry, your mum said dinner's ready. Go on down, I'll be there in a minute."

Harry nodded, heading out of the room and closing the door behind him. Left alone, his father bent down to retrieve the box from under the bed, a wistful smile playing on his lips.

Opening the box, He reminisced his childhood days, all the pranks he pulled with his mates, his professors, peeves, asking Lily Evans out for six years and bickering with Ahana Tej for the same amount of years.

He sighed as he pulled the picture of the girl Harry had given him, carefully placing the picture back inside the box, his heart swelled with nostalgia as he closed the lid and returned the box to its rightful place, cherishing the memories it held.

He sighed as he pulled the picture of the girl Harry had given him, carefully placing the picture back inside the box, his heart swelled with nostalgia as he closed the lid and returned the box to its rightful place, cherishing the memories it held

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