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AHANA WALKED hand in hand with Allie, the chilly breeze of Hogsmeade brushing against their cheeks as they strolled away from their carriage

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AHANA WALKED hand in hand with Allie, the chilly breeze of Hogsmeade brushing against their cheeks as they strolled away from their carriage. She glanced back to see Marianne walking arm in arm with her boyfriend, Sam Witherford, and Riley's hand rested gently on Allie's shoulder. Ahana fought the urge to smile at the sight, knowing full well that they both liked each other.

Allie and Riley's crush had been evident for years, and it was both endearing and frustrating for Ahana and Marianne to witness. Every accidental touch, every shy glance shared between them made them blush and it was amusing to all their friends.

"Where should we go first?" Ahana asked, as they walked around.

"Three Broomsticks?" Allie suggested eagerly. "I've been craving a butterbeer all week!"

"Yeah, let's get a drink," Riley chimed in, his own excitement palpable.

Ahana hesitated, "Well... I was thinking of checking out the joke shop," she admitted. "But why don't you two go ahead to Three Broomsticks first? I'll catch up with you later."

Allie looked at her with concern. "Are you sure, 'Hana?"

Ahana nodded, offering a reassuring smile. "Absolutely. I'll see you both in a bit."

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