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TUESDAYS WERE the only days Ahana had the most classes with Hufflepuffs and Slytherins

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TUESDAYS WERE the only days Ahana had the most classes with Hufflepuffs and Slytherins. In Transfiguration, She sat alone, behind Marianne and her boyfriend who were lost in their whispered conversations, they hardly noticed Ahana's presence as she gazed out the window at the courtyard beyond.

A soft shuffle beside her interrupted her thoughts, and she turned to see a boy with tousled auburn hair and bright green eyes sitting there next to her, a grin playing on his lips.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" he asked, laughing breathlessly as sweat dripped down his forehead.

Ahana's initial response was a mixture of surprise and a feeble attempt at humor. "Well, you're already seated, so I suppose I can't object now, can I?"

Her attempt at levity fell flat, and she felt a blush creeping up her neck. "I'm so sorry! That was a terrible joke. Oh my god," she stammered, shutting her eyes as her hair turned green in embarrassment.

But to her relief, he chuckled softly, his laughter a soothing melody in the almost quiet classroom. "No, it's okay," he reassured her.

"No, I'm sorry," Ahana insisted, feeling flustered.

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