2. Introduction to recruitment

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"Miya Atsumu, Miya Osamu, and Suna Rinataro. Age: 16, they all went to Yako Junior High and together were a part of the volleyball club," Y/n says and clicks her remote to change the current image on the whiteboard to an awkward picture of the Yako volleyball team with an epic transition. "they've won many tournaments which means they are not only highly skilled at volleyball but popular too, combined they have over 20 000 followers. They are something that we need right now because so far, popularity-wise. We're not doing the best. Our goal: to recruit at least one of them to boost our club's popularity!"

"You didn't have to show us this presentation. We already knew all that." Nelly points out to her, but Y/n just smiles and says: "I know. I just wanted to show off the PowerPoint transitions I just learned." Y/n turns off the projector and turns on the lights. She sits down in her seat.

"Nelly, have you asked them already? It's been days since you promised us. We can't do this without you. I certainly can't. They sure made it clear with all the complaining they've been doing in the principal's office about me 'harassing them' or whatever." Y/n says to Nelly. "I will, but-" Nelly stammers, but she gets interrupted by Y/n. "Are you serious?! I am sick of your buts and ifs. I thought you were close to them. You said you see them almost every day. How hard could it be to manipulate them into joining the club?"

"Well, it might be easy for you. I'm not the type of person who does that type of stuff, and also, they've been busy these past two days with volleyball, so I haven't been able to see them yet..." Nelly admits. Y/n facepalms in stress and disappointment.

"What do you mean by you haven't been able to see them yet? Don't you see them at school?" Nana asks. "I guess so, but I don't really speak to them at school... I only have a few classes with them, and during lunch, they're always with the team..." Nelly mumbles.

"Nelly, they're your cousins or whatever. Can't you just come up to them and casually mention the Corp club and how awesome it is?!" Y/n argues, but it still doesn't convince Nelly. "I don't know... I just- There are always people I don't know around them, and it's hard. It seems like they have this new life, and I'm not a part of it. I remember when it was just the four of us, and we-"

Y/n slams the table and screams at Nelly: "UGH, can you stop being such a wuss?! I don't care about any of this sentimental crap. Just get up and speak to them. It's that easy!!"

"It isn't that simple, but you wouldn't know... b-because you've never had any friends." Nelly sobs. Y/n scoffs. "And you know what! I'm not going to give in to your manipulations, Y/n. You're mean and power-hungry, and I won't listen to anything you say!"


"And when you come up to them, act natural. Don't try too hard. Just be yourself, Nelly, okay?" Y/n says as she fixes Nelly's hair.

Y/n, Nelly, and Nana were currently in the school cafeteria. They sat at one of the lunch tables and prepared to attack their targets. "I don't know why I agreed to this. Can you do it? I mean, you are the most convincing person I've met." Nelly sulked.

"Eh, I guess the first couple of times I tried the whole recruitment thing, I came off a little strong. Usually, my intensity would scare the person into giving in, but the people here are different. Now, if I mention the Corp club, best case scenario: I get spit at."

"I'm sure It's not that bad."

"Not that bad. Look at this." Y/n stands up at the cafeteria table. "Corp club," she says, and instantly, the whole cafeteria starts to aggressively boo at her.


"Who let this woman speak?!"

"You suck!"

"Give me my shoe back!!!"

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