5. Task complete

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Y/n drops a stack of books on the table. Atsumu, Osamu, and Suna flinch at the loud sound of books hitting the table. Nana and Nelly don't react.

"Welcome to the first official meeting of the Corp Club with our new member.. ss?" Y/n looks at Osamu and Rintaro casually sitting at the study table. "When did you two join?" She points her finger at them.

"Today I guess?" Suna shrugs.

"I thought you would never join the Corp club because it was lame." Y/n mocks him and folds her arm together.

"It was sad seeing Nelly try to persuade us. I thought I'd help her out a bit by joining." Osamu looks next to him and sees a smiling Nelly.

"I just joined because Osamu and Atsumu did." Suna shrugs his shoulders.

"Tch talk about sheep am I right?" Roni comments.

The principal enters the study room and clasps his hands together. "I hope I'm not interrupting. I just wanted to drop by here and look at Inarizaki's new and improved Corp club. Y/n gave me the job of assigning all of you your new tasks."

"I never told you to do that," Y/n scoffs.

"Well, I'm here so I might as well." He coyly flaps his wrist. "I have three things that I need to get done asap. First I need somebody to scrape the lunch tables. They have a butt load of gum underneath. Our janitor hasn't been at his best so I don't want to bother him with that.

Second someone has to help our librarian organize some books. She's a little old she can't really do much."

"Gee, what's the point of hiring people if you're going to make your students do all the work." Atsumu remarks.

"Third of all two of you have to oversee the ticket booth for the fall dance." The principal lists out. "Now I think it's going to be best if I split you guys up so you can get to know each other and bond and whatnot." He looks around the study table and tilts his head at the sight of Roni.

"Hmmm, aren't you that Roni boy?" The principal asks him.

"Depends on who's asking."

"You know who I am! Wait. You're the one who-" but before the principal can finish his sentence Roni gets up from his seat and zooms out of the study room.

"Hey. Hey! Come here ya little rascal." The principal runs out to catch up to him.

The rest look away from the scene. Y/n huffs and says: "How about we divide the tasks? I say Nana takes the library job" Nana nods. "Nelly can scrape the tables," Nelly frowns "and I'm going to do the ticket booth."

"And what are we supposed to do?" Atsumu asks. "I don't know go play with a volleyball or something," Y/n answers him. Atsumu gives her an offended expression.

"You said: that we're going to do stuff to help the school."

"Yeah, and you said: that you didn't care for any of it."

"Are you saying we are just here to sit still and look pretty?" Suna joins the argument.

Y/n pretends to think for a second and answers him: "Yup."

"Okay, I know I am very handsome, but I am much more than just a pretty face!" Atsumu says. "Ugh, I guess we're going to have to split into groups of two." Y/n reluctantly says. "Osamu and Suna can help at the library, Nelly and I are doing the ticket booth, and Atsumu and Nana are scraping."

"I am no scraper." Atsumu declares.

"Gee, then you can do the ticket booth with Nelly," Y/n says. "Eh, I don't want to do the ticket booth. Too many fan girls."

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