7. The study of studying

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An announcement is made through the PA system. "Good morning, Inarizaki High. This is your principal with a correction. I've been receiving complaints from a student about the upcoming fall dance. Aperantaly, it interferes with how the current plot is going. So it will be indefinitely postponed."

"Ugh, why are we having this meeting so early?" Rintaro groans, lazily leaning back in his chair. "Because Osamu has his tutoring sessions in the afternoon, and we have meetings in the afternoon," Y/n says.

"Can't we just have them without him?" Atsumu asks.

"We can't leave Samu out. He is a part of this group. It would be wrong." Nelly reminds him, and Y/n agrees. "Yes, Osamu is an official member. I can't have him miss half of the meetings. He would practically be leaving the club."

"I like it. Mornings have a nice feel." Nana says.

"I don't wanna wake up this early three times a week. I'm already dying. Imagine how bad it's going to be the next few days." Rintaro says. Y/n rolls her eyes. "How about you go to sleep earlier? You stay up late in the night for what reason?" She lectures him. Rintaro looks away and huffs. "You wouldn't get it."

"You won't have to wake up early anymore. I think I'm going to drop this tutor." Osamu sighs, and the group begins to quarrel.

"Samu, this is your third tutor this month. You really need to get your grades up. If you don't mom's gonna get rid of the PlayStation, for real!" Atsumu cries out.

"Yeah, Osamu, from what I've seen, your grades are atrocious. How do you even get such terrible grades?" Y/n says with a slightly degrading tone.

Osamu rolls his eyes. "Maybe because not everybody can spend all their time studying."

"I don't spend all my time studying, Osamu. I have a perfectly healthy work-life balance."

"Then tutor me, miss work-life balance. I'm sure you have time in your schedule for little old me." Osamu smirks as he watches Y/N's nose flare up.

The rest of the group lets out an intruged ooo.

Y/n huffs and opens up her planner. She begins to furiously turn the pages of her planner. "Oooo, can't find room in your versatile schedule, Y/n Pookie?" Rintaro teases her. She fiercely looks up at him. "This argument does not involve you, Sunarin." Y/n spits out and returns to her planner. Rintaro puts his hands up in surrender, smiling at her amount of frustration.

After a while of intense page-turning, Y/n finally holds up her planner and points at it. "Ha ha! I have time at 6 PM. Today!"

"I can't do that."

"What do you mean you can't do that? It's perfect right after volleyball practice." Y/n questions him.

"Precisely. I can't do it after practice. I'm too tired. I have to take my nap." Osamu yawns. "Do I look like I care about your stupid nap time?" Y/n stares at him with an expressionless face. "I've made time for you in my busy schedule. I was supposed to go to my cousin's wedding, but I'm not going. Thanks to you."

"Wait, I thought you didn't have any family?" Atsumu recalls. "No family I like. God, I hate my cousins." Y/n punches the table angrily at the thought of her family.

They stare at her in silence.

"So it is decided today at 6 PM, we will meet in the study room." Y/n declares. "WhoXs we?" Rintaro says with a sassy tone. "Yeah, I am going to enjoy my Osamu-free night." A sly smile appears on Atsumus's face as he begins to get lost in his thoughts.

Osamu throws his water bottle at Atsumu from across the table. "I am not gonna spend my whole night here, Tsumu. So stop smiling like that."

"Indeed, we're not. I'm going to pound that information into Osamu's head. He's going to be a straight-A student in no time."

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