3. Sunday lunch

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"Are you sure this is the right house?"

"I'm sure it is I double-checked."

The door swings open to reveal Nelly. "Helloo welcome to my home!"

"Heeyyy." Y/n and Nelly both say in unison. Y/n is holding a golden gift box. "Y/n you didn't have to bring a gift!"

"I had to! I need to make a good impression on Ms. Suna she could help you know."

"Ooo good thinking! Come in." Nelly welcomes them into the house. Y/n and Nana enter. There are framed family pictures on the wall. They walk into the kitchen area to see a middle-aged woman who was preparing the food.

"Oh hello!" The woman stops what she's doing and walks up to Y/n, Nana, and Nelly. "Im Suna Chiyo Nelly Xs aunt." she introduces herself. "Nana. nice to meet you." Nana shakes Ms. Sunas hand.

"IXm L/n Y/n," she says. "What is this? You didn't need to bring anything!"

"Ms. Suna I just simply had to! It would be rude of me not to."

"You are too nice." Y/n hands over the gift to Ms. Suna. She opens the gift to see melons. "Melons? I love melons. How did you know?"

"I had a feeling that a woman like you would have great taste."

"That is so nice of you Y/n. I'm going to slice them up for you guys!"

"Oh! My cake should be done baking." Nelly puts on her mittens and takes the cake out of the oven. She flips the cake pan on the counter. A strange dark blob comes out.

"Is that chocolate pudding?"

"It's supposed to be a vanilla cake..."

"You know Nelly you don't need to make dessert... I could take you all out for ice cream after lunch." Ms. Suna reassures Nelly as she mourns her cake.

"Uuuuu ice cream? I love ice cream!" Y/n exclaims.

"I can't just give up like this! I've been begging Osamu for this recipe for years I can't give up on my first try. IXm going to try again!" Nelly throws out the blob and starts baking a new cake.

"While this unfolds, Nana and I could set the table for you, Ms. Suna." Y/n offers. "No no no you can't! You're the guest I can't have you doing chores. What kind of host would I be? Rintaro should be the one doing that. That boy hasn't done anything today! RINTARO GET YOUR LAZY ASS HERE AND SET THE TABLE." Ms. Suna screams.

Y/n looks at Nana with wide eyes as a signal that one of the targets is coming. She looks at her back at her with wide eyes but with uncertainty about what she's signaling.


"Jeez I'm coming I'm coming." A long tired-looking boy with brown hair comes down the stairs yawning. "Gosh did you just get out of bed?!" Ms. Suna scolds him. "Who cares it's not like we have any special guests coming."

"Well, actually we do. Maybe if you would look up from your mobile device you could greet them." Ms. Suna says in a passive-aggressive tone.

"Guests?" Suna looks up from his phone. He gets startled when he sees Y/n and Nana. "What are THEY doing here!?!"

"Hi." Nana greets him.

"THEY are Nelly's friends. Don't be rude to them Rintaro!"

"Yeah don't be rude Rintaro!" Y/n teases him. Suna scoffs. "You should've told me that somebody was coming over. Especially if it's them!"

"Don't talk about them like that. If they are your cousin's friends that means they're your friends too!"

"Mom that's a stupid rule. I can't be friends with a person like her!" He points at Y/n.

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