4. The success of failed stealing

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Y/n drops a stack of books on the table. Both Nana and Nelly flinch at the loud noise. "The progress we have made this past week has been truly disappointing," Y/n says.

"Do you have to do that every time?" Nelly asks her. "No. not until we will succeed."

Y/n starts to walk around the table with her arms crossed as she speaks. "We have tried everything. We have tried sucking up to them. We have tried to invade their personal lives. Now we have nothing left but to try the most corrupt way. Blackmail." Y/n stops and slams her hands on the table.

Nelly gasps. "We can't blackmail them.

"With your help, we can." Y/n points directly at Nelly. "I know that it's morally wrong or whatever and that they're your family but Nelly I-"

"I'll do it." Nelly interrupts her.


"This is very out of character." Nana points out.

"I said that I'll do it. I know it's against everything I'm for, but we are in too deep. They have to join."

"I guess we're evil now. Should I make all of us paper goatees?" Nana asks. "Maybe later but first I need to ask you, Nelly. Do you have anything we could use?"

"Well, Atsumu does have this... thing. He failed an important test in Mr. Suta's class. He made a deal with him because he wanted to retake the test. So now after school, he leaves him a bag of some kind of special hamster food in his classroom."

"This is great. We could sneak in, steal the hamster food, and then threaten him. It's the perfect plan!"

"But how are we going to get in? The classroom should be locked after school." Nana asks. "That's true... we could enter through the vents!" Y/n suggests.

"But who would go into the vents?" They all look at Nelly. "I'm not going in there. I'm claustrophobic and I'm pretty sure I saw a rat come out of the vents!"

They turn to Nana. "I would love to go into the vents. It's always been a dream of mine but I don't think my body will be able to go through them."

They look at Y/n. "RATS!"

Y/n sighs. "Ugh, we're never going to find somebody crazy and small enough to go through those vents!!"

"Did somebody say crazy and small?" Roni asks as he's leaning on a bookshelf.

"AH!" They all get startled by his sudden appearance. "How did you get here?!?"

"Easy. The vents. I know these vents like the back of my hand which is why I am the perfect candidate for this job."

They stare at him, speechless.

"No response. Okay is it me? It's me isn't it." Roni starts to sob.

"No, it's not you... Well, it is you. It's just that the last time we saw you you got all hysterical because of such a tiny thing. This is a very high-stakes mission. We can't risk it." Y/n explains to Roni.

"But I've changed I really have." Roni takes a seat at the table. "The insecure little boy you met a week ago isn't me. After the incident, I started to reflect on myself and realized that I had to turn things around, so I did."

They wait for the next part of his story but it never comes.

"Just like that? No therapy no anything?" Nelly asks.

"Yeah, it's easier than you think. I don't know why everybody says it's so hard. It's like just stop you know?" Roni starts to laugh. Y/n, Nana, and Nelly begin to laugh awkwardly with him.

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