Gaara x Sakura

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From a modern/idol AU

-Sakura's POV-

It was slow, cautious, and sweet when Gaara and I first slept together because I was scared, and he didn't want to hurt me. It took a week for us to do anything again, solely because our schedules were so demanding that we were exhausted by the time we'd get home every night.

Sasuke and Hinata interrupted that one before it could amount to much by starting a loud and pointless argument in the kitchen about who cooks more for the house. A knock came at my door when they couldn't come to an impasse. They were laughing while they fought, which irritated me more. After that, something would stop us short whenever we got a moment to ourselves.

This brings us to the present.

It's early June. In the three months since our first time, we've only managed to have sex one more time. I'm fed up. I'm sexually frustrated. I've wanted to try so many things, and it feels like everything and everyone is focused on preventing that.

So, after a particularly stressful week, the four of us went home Friday night in silence. It's not out of the ordinary. In fact, it was typical when we were all exhausted. Upon arriving at the house, I looked between my three housemates and hypothetically put my foot down.

Sasuke's been getting on my nerves with his recent obsession: an outrageously overpowered sound system he bought on a whim. For the past nine days, he's been in the family room for everything so he can use them, whether gaming, watching tv, or listening to music. Since Sasuke's downstairs, Hinata almost always is, too. Those two being thick as thieves used to tickle me pink because they were so different when we first met, but now they're directly affecting my physical relationship.

Enough is enough.

With a determined frown, I grabbed the back of both of their shirts, offering a warning glare when they both looked at me so they'd be quiet while we waited for Gaara's bedroom door to close behind him. Once it did, I released them, and they shared a glance before turning to face me.

I raised a hand to stop whatever sarcastic comment Sasuke was about to pop off with, "Shut up and listen, both of you."

Hinata's brows raised, but I didn't falter. Instead, I lowered my voice with a firm expression, "I haven't had sex in over a month because you two are always interrupting us." Hinata's face turned bright red, and her lips pressed into a thin line, but Sasuke straight up laughed.

I poked him in the chest, blushing, "So here's what's gonna happen: you're both going to hang out or whatever upstairs tonight. I swear to God, if one of you bothers us, I'll shave your heads while you sleep." Hinata nodded quickly, obviously eager not to be a part of this conversation anymore.

"Gaara, get out here and fuck your girl, man! She's hangry!" My heart dropped into my stomach as Sasuke snickered, grabbed Hinata's arm, and pulled her along as they escaped upstairs, leaving me to turn to my boyfriend as he stepped out of his bedroom with a bewildered expression.

Running a hand down my face, I groaned and walked past him into his room. He wordlessly shut the door behind us and turned to face me with a blush. I shook my head, confessing, "I yelled at them."

The redhead nodded, brows raised, as he tugged his shirt off and tossed it into the hamper, "I got that."

Deciding it best just to be honest, I sighed, "I'm frustrated. I want to have sex, and I want to try being on top." Gaara froze where he was crouched by his nightstand in the process of plugging in his phone so that it could charge for the night.

Feeling as though I might've come on too demanding, I backpedaled, blush burning bright, "I-I mean, if you're okay with that! I'd never-" "If I'm okay with it?"

He stood, complexion matching mine, as he grabbed my hand so I'd stand before him. Then he kissed me once, twice, and then a third time before finally opening his eyes and adding, "The only reason I haven't tried harder is that I don't want to pressure you."

A humored, exasperated, and short laugh left my lips, "Feel free to pressure me going forward, Babe. I'm hangry." We shared an amused moment as I repeated what Sasuke had said earlier.

Then we were kissing. Gaara was pulling my shirt off over my head, and I was unbuttoning his jeans.

The hold I had on my self-control was shaky, to begin with, but my boyfriend seemed more relaxed in the way he was touching my bare skin once we were undressed and pulling me on top of him on the bed, so I found it hard not to lose my composure entirely. As much as he and I both enjoy giving and receiving foreplay, I honestly couldn't be bothered with it. The redhead sensed my urge to get right to the main event and didn't hesitate in the slightest.

His blanket was over us, up to my shoulders. When I pulled away from his kiss and glanced between us, lifting myself with my knees so I could line his sex up with mine, he watched me with that oh-so-sexy expression he makes when things get hot and heavy.

Cautiously, I slid onto him, giving my body time to adjust to the intrusion by dipping to kiss him again. Gentle hands caressed the sensitive skin of my hips and back. A moment later, I began moving. My brow furrowed as I experimented with a few different techniques and angles until a short, surprised sound from Gaara forced our lips to part. I thought I might've hurt him until I saw his handsome face's bashful, aroused expression.

"You like it?"

He nodded, wincing with his lips slightly parted when I repeated the motion that'd initially garnered a reaction. Over and over, I rocked my hips against him, gradually increasing the pace and becoming more comfortable in the new position.

With each thrust, the fingers at my hips became less gentle until the man's head fell slightly back with a soft moan, "S-Sit up!"

Curious about why he was requesting it, and in such a satisfyingly breathy voice, I obeyed. I gasped when the previously subdued pleasure escalated substantially. How'd he know? I'd been moving slightly angled toward him, back and forth, but it became more of an up-and-down motion as I adjusted. Each drop of my hips onto his allowed him to fill me full. It was slick and hot between us.

Through lidded eyes, I tried to memorize the glorious view before me. Charming muscles lay beneath tan skin, flexing as he thrusted his sex to meet me. Gorgeous teal eyes danced over my appearance in a similar way that mine were his. Once they locked onto mine, neither of us looked away.

One of his hands grasped onto mine, interlacing our fingers. The other reached between my legs to massage the bundle of nerves there to assist me in building to climax. Some kind of desperate moan passed my lips, and my head fell back, my free hand frantically searching for something to hold myself up on. When it grasped his thigh, I leaned into the rapidly increasing pressure in my loins, getting closer and closer.

To my surprise, Gaara released my hand, sat up underneath me, and grabbed my hip firmly to pull me harder against him. My head came back up, and I ran my hand over his shoulder to tangle my fingers into a handful of his hair.

Using his weight against mine, I adjusted my movements again, and he groaned. A fire set his eyes alight, and the flex of his jaw as he focused was a thing of the gods.

My brow furrowed further as I felt the end rising, and then they rose when it finally arrived. Sweaty and breathless, his name left my mouth, insides flexing, convulsing, and spasming around him.

The hand between my legs swiftly latched onto my other hip to aid him in shoving into me a couple more times before Gaara, too, met his release. An increasingly familiar heated feeling flooded my insides, but I could only gasp for air with my mouth somewhat agape.

When we both came down from our highs, I pressed my chest to his, collapsing against him as I tried to catch my breath. Soft and slow, his arms wrapped around me, hands running lovingly over my back.

"I'll never leave you hungry again."

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