Chapter 23-GaaHina

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I sighed, stirring my drink absently with a straw. I want to go home. This bar smells like cigarettes, and it's way too loud. There are a million places I'd rather be right now, mainly in bed, asleep. The only reason I'm here is because Kiba's meeting his online boyfriend for the first time tonight, and he didn't want to come alone, just in case.

Back home in Konoha, he got beaten to a pulp by some guys when they found out he was gay. That was when we were both nineteen. We're twenty-five now, and the poor guy's still traumatized to the point that he doesn't trust anyone except for me and Shino. Since Shino couldn't get time off from work, that left me. Don't get me wrong, I'm more than happy to support Kiba like this. I just fail to see what I can do to help if things go awry.

"Hey, Hina," Kiba suddenly whispers behind me. I turn to see him blushing and grinning wolfishly. He sheepishly rubs the back of his head and says, "Things are going pretty well. I think I'll go home with him. Can you make it back to the hotel? I can walk you real quick if you want."

A grin tugged at my lips. He looks so relieved and happy. The tall tan guy with the undercut Kiba has been playing pool and drinking with all night is watching us, obviously waiting for him to return.

I shake my head, lifting my drink slightly, "Don't worry about me. Have a good time. Call if something happens, okay? Text me the address when you get there." Neither of us is from Suna, so we aren't sure how accepting its citizens are of non-heterosexuality. It's better to be safe than sorry.

The man pats my head appreciatively. "You're the best," he says, pausing after turning to leave, "Seriously, Hina. Thank you."

I watched him return to his boyfriend, who shot me a slight wave when he noticed. I shyly returned the gesture before facing the bar again. The guy seems nice enough. Hopefully, looks aren't as deceiving here as they are at home.

Sighing again, I sipped my drink with a frown. If it weren't so hot here, I'd honestly think about putting in a transfer request at work and moving to Suna. We arrived here early this morning and did some sightseeing. All day, the people we encountered were beyond kind. The culture and architecture are unique and exciting. It's a place like nothing I've seen before.

The bartender comes around to offer a refill, and I accept, shooting a weak glare at a middle-aged man who was making his way over to talk to me from the other side of the bar. He's been staring for over an hour already.

Stay away. Just let me wallow in my self-pity in peace.

I, Hinata Hyuga, was dumped. It happened six months ago, but it hurts like it was yesterday.

Naruto and I began dating in our last year of high school together. I thought he was going to propose that night, but it turns out he'd asked me to come home early for dinner to let me know that he'd been having an affair with Sakura. As he desperately tried to rationalize his actions, he explained that she was brokenhearted after Sasuke broke up with her and moved away. He said he got drunk with her, and they hooked up. That's apparently when he realized what he was missing in our unfulfilling relationship.


He called me a boring girlfriend. I was too bewildered to ask if he meant my personality or my performance in the bedroom. Honestly, I'm not sure which would hurt me more.

Back then, I was utterly destroyed. Now, I'm just angry at Naruto and myself. I'm also mad at Sakura because she was supposed to be my best female friend. If Naruto believed I was boring, he should've broken up with me long before then, not waited until he betrayed me like that.

I can't be angry at either of them for falling in love. How could I? The heart wants what it wants. I can be mad that neither of them talked to me, tried to do things civilly, or even acknowledged my existence. They just swept the rug from under me and watched as I stumbled and fell.

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