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"If you need anything, and I mean anything, Forehead, call me immediately, and I'll come back, okay?"

Sakura squeezed her best friend, sniffling with her eyes closed tightly, "Same goes for you, Pig. I love you."

They pulled apart, the blonde smiling widely as she hissed jokingly, "Well, I gotta fugitive to transport, so I should get going. Love you. Stay out of trouble."

Ino turned and walked down the hallway into the living room, where Sai was waiting with a blank expression, as usual. He intertwined their fingers immediately, giving Sakura a curt nod before the pair exited the apartment to hopefully travel to Kirigakure successfully.

The pink-haired woman loosely crossed her arms, leaning against the wall with a frown. It astounded her how quickly the couple had gotten over their issues, but at least they seemed happy.

Sighing, she wiped at her watery eyes to rid of the tears that hadn't fallen before reentering the bedroom and sliding under the covers behind Madara. It was surprising how quickly everyone was healing from their injuries. Already, the bruise on her back was brown rather than black, and the cuts on her neck and cheek no longer needed bandages.

Sakura wore only one of Madara's sweaters and some underwear, her new favorite pajamas. The sleeves were so long that they covered her hands if she let them. Though watching her friend leave was sad, her anxiety faded almost completely when she pressed her forehead to her boyfriend's back, hugging him around the middle.

He had scars, some scarily large, and a few black tattoos that enhanced his sexiness substantially. A birthmark the size of a coin on his right shoulder blade nearly blended into his tan skin. Since becoming a couple, Sakura's tried to memorize every detail.

Eyes creeping open, she stared at his back in the dark room, warmth rising in her face, chest, and between her legs. They still hadn't done anything since that drunken night Ino manipulated them into hooking up. Now that their wounds were on their way to healing, Sakura began to have trouble distracting herself.

'I don't know how to approach him yet. With Sasuke, he always had to initiate because he said no so many times when we first started dating that it discouraged me to the point I stopped trying.'

Sakura's palm pressed flat against her boyfriend's lower abdomen, inwardly telling herself to stop what she was doing and go to sleep. It was hard when she knew what lay just below where her hand rested.

'If Madara does the same thing, I'll be mortified. Maybe I should wait until we're not so new to try something as bold as waking him up for sex.'

A little disappointed, she sighed, closing her eyes with a frown. The last thing she wanted to do was rush or become a burden to the man. She was also a bit embarrassed or ashamed because she's a grown woman who shouldn't have this much trouble controlling her urges.

Suddenly, the Uchiha man she cuddled turned to face her, dark eyes half-lidded and sleepy. Her arm remained over his side, fingers brushing gently against his lower back as they stared at one another. Sakura felt guilty because she'd obviously woken him up but was almost startled when he leaned down to capture her lips in a slow, leisurely kiss.

'He's so sweet, kissing me when he's barely awake. You'd never guess by his appearance.'

The "sweet" feeling of his actions began to fade when he ran the hand on her waist down to her hip and then to her thigh so he could pull her closer and hook it over his hip. A light sigh passed Sakura's lips when he then held her bottom, tongue slipping past her lips cautiously, testing the waters and giving her a chance to stop him if she so pleased.

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