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Regulus feels arms wrap around him from behind as he sits perched on the bar stool; an undoubtable sign that James is back from the bathroom; having only left less than three minutes ago.

"Hi, you," James nuzzles his head against his husband's shoulder.

"Hi, darling," Regulus drawls. "Feeling okay?"

"Feeling fine,"

"Looking fine too," Regulus smirks, bringing his glass of gin to his lips.

"You're such a little tease sometimes," James chuckles as he takes his place on his own bar stool, moving his head back to lay against Regulus' narrow shoulder. "I love it,"

Regulus hums, laughing softly. He leans to press his lips to James' temple. "I love you," He utters tenderly against James' temple. "So much, sweetheart,"

"I love you too," James grins hazily. "And our baby boy,"

Cole Potter-Black is almost a month and a half old and is currently being babysat by his uncle Pads and his uncle Moons, so that his mummy and daddy can have their very first date night since his birth.

Baby Cole is having a sleepover at his uncle's house and that has left Regulus and James to have dinner together at one of their favourite restaurants and then indulge in some fancy wine, and then even more liquor.

James, having not touched alcohol in nine months, is having his very first drink. Pregnancy has left his alcohol tolerance rather low and it is not what it once was; it is not as high as it used to be.

Regulus grins, almost proudly. He raises his glass a little; still sober as a saint, but getting quite tipsy, the same can not be said for his beloved husband. "He's the greatest," Regulus agrees. "Our little boy is perfect," He adds gently. "Absolutely perfect,"

James snuggles closer to Regulus. "Do ya think he's behaving himself for Padfoot and Moony?" He slurs with a laugh.

"Well, you're his mummy, love, so I wouldn't bet on him ever behaving himself,"

"At least he's handsome, eh?" James winks swiftly. "Like his daddy,"

Regulus smirks and James cups his chin. "That sinfully handsome smirk," James grins as he attaches their lips, feeling the softness of Regulus' lips. "Mmh, love you," James slurs a little.

Regulus pulls away. "Why don't we get you home, pet? Get you all snuggled up in bed for your first night of full sleep since Cole was born," He mumbles softly, finishing the rest of his drink.

"We can have one more, right?" James smirks, brown eyes wide and doe like. "C'mon? Just another drink?"

Regulus scoffs lightly. "You're a horrible influence, sweetheart,"

"Drinks on me?" James raises an eyebrow.

Regulus presses a kiss to his husband's rosy cheek. "Fine," He turns to the barmaid. "One gin, and another whiskey, cheers,"

The young barmaid sets off preparing their drinks and Regulus intertwines their fingers together. "Are you having a nice evening then?"

James nods. "Mmh," He hums. "Dinner and drinks with one of my favourite boys? Couldn't have asked for much more, could I?"

Regulus chuckles as he watches James pay for their drinks. "Once again, I love you,"

They clink their glasses together.

They stagger home, each tripping a couple of times, tumbling over each other's feet. Their hands are squeezed tightly together, each man ensuring the other doesn't end up falling completely.

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